
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Gay marriage: Compromising with bigots

20 Dec 2012

The marriage equality law is now a shambles - because David Cameron’s government is hostage to incorrigible reactionaries, argues Paul Demarty

Film reviews: Artistic branding iron

20 Dec 2012

Jim Moody reviews: Kjell Sundvall (director) The hunters (1996); False trail (2011)

Ireland and abortion: ULA chickens out

20 Dec 2012

It is a disgrace that the left refuses to campaign openly for abortion on demand, says Anne Mc Shane

Drugs: Irrational war continues

20 Dec 2012

Nick Clegg is calling for a royal commission. Eddie Ford, on the other hand, demands immediate legalisation

New Russian art: Accusing misery, celebrating resilience

13 Dec 2012

Mike Belbin reviews the art exhibition 'Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union: new art from Russia' at Saatchi Gallery, Duke of York’s HQ, King’s Road, London SW3 ; admission free, ends May 5 2013

Leveson report: The dog that didn’t bark

06 Dec 2012

The recommendations of the Leveson report are worse than the status quo, argues Paul Demarty - but not by much

Women Bishops & CofE: Irrelevant? If only

29 Nov 2012

The Church of England’s failure to accept women bishops is embarrassing, but solutions short of disestablishment are absurd, argues Paul Demarty

Ukip fostering row: Who’s fit to be a parent?

29 Nov 2012

If members of ‘mainstream’ parties should not be barred from fostering, asks Eddie Ford, what about us ‘extremists’?

BBC crisis: Child abuse and desperate diversions

22 Nov 2012

Sections of the bourgeois press are attempting to conceal their own crisis by hammering the BBC, writes Paul Demarty

Ireland abortion scandal: Scrap the eighth amendment

22 Nov 2012

The current storm that has erupted over abortion rights shows no sign of abating, writes Anne Mc Shane

Sex: Ethical porn and exploitation

15 Nov 2012

Sarah McDonald reviews: Anne G Sabo, 'After pornified: how women are transforming pornography and why it really matters'. Zero Books, 2012, pp245, £12.99

Anthropology: Imperialist abuse of science

01 Nov 2012

Simon Wells reviews: David H Price, 'Weaponizing anthropology: social science in service of the militarized state', AK Press (Counterpunch series), 2011, £12, pp208

Berlusconi: Another guilty verdict

01 Nov 2012

If past form is anything to go by, Silvio Berlusconi will not serve a day of his latest jail sentence, writes Toby Abse

Jimmy Savile: Establishment’s dirty little secret

18 Oct 2012

The establishment furore over the Jimmy Savile scandal has more to it than is being let on, reports Paul Demarty

Sex: Accepting assertion as fact

11 Oct 2012

Sarah McDonald reviews: Dr Brooke Magnanti The sex myth: why everything we’re told is wrong Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2012, pp272, £14.99

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