
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Competition and cooperation

06 Dec 2018

Review of 'Elinor Ostrom’s rules for radicals' by Derek Wall, Pluto Press, 2017, pp160, £16.99

Islamophobia and free speech

06 Dec 2018

The Muslim Council of Britain now wants its own version of the IHRA definition, which for Eddie Ford can only be bad for freedom of expression

Whatever happened to peak oil?

06 Dec 2018

Prices are down to a 10-year low. It is clear that dire predictions of exhausted reserves and the world running out of oil were thoroughly misconceived. Jack Conrad returns to the issue of energy

Sport and common endeavour

29 Nov 2018

Is there something more to chess than the desire to win? Peter Manson thinks there is

Environmental crisis is real

15 Nov 2018

We cannot prevent climate disaster by denying the existence of the problem, argues Daniel Harvey

Marxism and aestheticism

08 Nov 2018

Despite Marx’s throwaway remark, Capital is not a ‘work of art’, argues Rex Dunn

Review: 22 July, directed by Paul Greengrass

18 Oct 2018

Out on general release and Netflix

Capitalism is the cause of, not the solution to runaway climate change

18 Oct 2018

The system cannot be managed more efficiently to halt global warming, argues Michael Roberts

A new ship with a new crew

11 Oct 2018

Behind the Brett Kavanaugh scandal Rex Dunn sees the decline of capitalism and a fragmented feminist movement that fails to recognise the necessity of socialism

With the grain of the times

11 Oct 2018

Yet more scandals - but Trump stands firm. Paul Demarty urges a more radical reckoning with American politics

Forgotten communities

04 Oct 2018

Review of Garry Lyons' The last seam, directed by Daljinder Singh

Chomsky divided

27 Sep 2018

Noam Chomsky is a world-famous linguist, cognitive scientist and social critic. But, argues Chris Knight, he keeps his science and politics in two separate mental departments

Where next for the SACP?

20 Sep 2018

As the ANC continues to lose support, Peter Manson looks at the dilemmas of the ‘official communists’

Movement we need to build

06 Sep 2018

Review of Spike Lee's BlacKkKlansman, on general release

Scorching weather and climate

02 Aug 2018

Things have been hot, but there is more to climate change than increased temperatures, argues Eddie Ford

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