
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Sex is not psyche

09 May 2019

Amanda MacLean replies to Richard Farnos and Finlay Scott Gilmore

Against biological determinism

02 May 2019

Finlay Scott Gilmour responds to Amanda MacLean’s critique of genderism

Silencing the right will be followed by silencing the left

25 Apr 2019

Yassamine Mather looks behind the social media bans imposed in the name of ‘democracy’

Fill the jails?

25 Apr 2019

Extinction Rebellion’s fighting spirit is admirable. But a viable strategy and programme is urgently needed, argues Eddie Ford

Decoupled from reality

18 Apr 2019

Genderist ideology is based on flawed science and worse logic, argues Amanda MacLean

The drugs don’t work

18 Apr 2019

The huge problem of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic shortages is greatly exacerbated by the profit motive, argues James Linney

Blood, fire, death

04 Apr 2019

Review of ‘Lords of Chaos’, directed by Jonas Åkerlund and out on general release

Marx and Jewish emancipation

14 Mar 2019

By citing a few thoroughly decontextualised phrases, the establishment finds Marx - and therefore contemporary Marxism - guilty of anti-Semitism. Jack Conrad puts the record straight

Women’s rights and class struggle

07 Mar 2019

Forty years ago Iranian women rebelled against the Islamic government. We should not only remember their struggle: we should uphold the original aims of International Women’s Day, says Yassamine Mather

To the dawn of humanity

28 Feb 2019

Arthur Bough defends his naturalistic reading of Marx’s labour theory of value

Explorations of inequality

21 Feb 2019

Andrea Levy: March 7 1956 - February 14 2019

Art for our class

17 Jan 2019

Mike belbin reviews Christine Lindey Art for all: British socially committed art from the 1930s to the cold war Artery Publications, 2018, pp240, £25

Preparing the final assault

17 Jan 2019

James Linney examines the fraud that is NHS England’s ‘long-term plan’

Our rights threatened too

17 Jan 2019

Although Britain’s far-right yellow vests are an obnoxious assortment of racists, xenophobes and odd-balls, we must defend their right to protest, says Eddie Ford

The will to liberate

10 Jan 2019

Neglect of the woman question in the early Soviet republic was not the result of isolation and economic backwardness, argues Anne McShane

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