
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Future and present

24 Oct 2019

John Lanchester 'The wall' Faber and Faber, 2019, pp288, £14.99. Bernardino Evaristo 'Girl, woman, other' Hamish Hamilton, 2019, pp464, £16.99.

Avoiding extinction for real

17 Oct 2019

As the Met clamps down on Extinction Rebellion protests, Paul Demarty looks at the choices facing the movement

A game of thrones

20 Sep 2019

Harley Filben mourns the loss of Maurizio Cattelan’s golden toilet.

Direct vs representative democracy

12 Sep 2019

Raquel Varela: A people’s history of the Portuguese Revolution. Pluto Press, 2019, pp352, £19.99.

Russiagate and what it says about America

16 Aug 2019

The US is in decline, writes Daniel Lazare, and making matters worse it is saddled with an antiquated constitution.

Reject the IHRA

08 Aug 2019

The decision of Tower Hamlets council to refuse to host the Big Ride for Palestine is both cowardly and shameful, writes Tony Greenstein

No future in the past

27 Jun 2019

Jack Conrad concludes his series of articles by questioning both brutish and romantic images of pre-modern society

Fetishising the web

27 Jun 2019

The left needs a comprehensive, partyist approach to media, argues Paul Demarty

Drawn to the flame

20 Jun 2019

Jack Conrad shows why primitivists and other such deep greens are more than predisposed to the lures of ecofascism

Corbyn misses a trick

13 Jun 2019

While Labour prioritises blocking a no-deal Brexit, writes Eddie Ford, it has failed to respond in a principled way to Tory confessions of drug use

Colours, shades, limits

13 Jun 2019

In the second of four articles Jack Conrad explores the good, the bad and the ugly sides of green political thought

Malthus painted green

06 Jun 2019

In the first of four articles Jack Conrad affirms the reality of global warming, along with the pending danger of ecological disaster. But crude overpopulation theories are worse than useless. Each social formation has its own laws, including laws of population

Philosophy, Marxism and gender ideology

30 May 2019

Rex Dunn makes a contribution to our ongoing debate. He argues that genderism stems from working class defeats and poststructuralist subjectivism

Out of the dark ages

30 May 2019

While the divorce referendum has resulted in a marginal improvement, writes Anne McShane, the absence of a fighting working class is still making itself felt

Legalise cannabis

16 May 2019

The ‘war on drugs’ has very little to do with safeguarding the health of citizens, argues James Linney

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