
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Danger of barbarism

09 Dec 2021

Invisible to the eye, viruses and bacteria make up a good percentage of the global biomass. They also shape history. HIV/STD specialist and Marxist Mohsen Shahmanesh discusses microbes and human society. This article is based on his talk to the November 28 Online Communist Forum

How not to lead a liberation

25 Nov 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Fordsburg fighter: the journey of an MK volunteer' by Amin Cajee, as told to Terry Bell (Cover2Cover Books, 2016, pp194, £22.09)

The past as future

25 Nov 2021

We must return to original communism, but on a higher level. Jack Conrad concludes his series of articles by questioning both brutish and romantic images of pre-modern society

On the dark side

18 Nov 2021

Jack Conrad explores the commonalities and connections between greenism and the right and far right

Sit down and plan it

11 Nov 2021

School students and young women have been in the forefront. Tam Dean Burn reports from the Glasgow marches and meetings

They will not deliver

11 Nov 2021

Market solutions are no solution. Michael Roberts castigates the sham, the hollowness of climate finance

No saving graces

11 Nov 2021

Tony Greenstein reviews 'Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis: what the left got wrong and how to learn from it' by David Renton (Routledge, 2021, pp230, £19.99)

Rebels without the means

11 Nov 2021

Jack Conrad takes a hard look at the demands, principles and inherent limits of Extinction Rebellion

All workers lose out

11 Nov 2021

With the Democrats going downhill fast, Daniel Lazare looks at the role played by ‘critical race theory’

History and hagiography

11 Nov 2021

Saints and sinners. Paul Demarty assesses the Greta Thunberg phenomenon

Bitter fruit of imperialism

04 Nov 2021

Islamist jihadism is a modern, not an ancient, phenomenon. Yassamine Mather looks at causes, social roots and terrible consequences

Greenism: a rough guide

04 Nov 2021

Jack Conrad explores the organisations, history, business models, aristocrats, royal agendas and class limits

Malthus painted green

28 Oct 2021

Are there too many people? Jack Conrad attacks crude overpopulation theories. They are more than useless: they are extraordinarily dangerous

A 2.7 degree wake-up call

28 Oct 2021

The UK government’s response is woefully inadequate. So keep your expectations about Cop26 really low, advises a worried Eddie Ford

Long march of censorship

28 Oct 2021

Paul Demarty looks at recent attacks on free speech in the name of combatting offence, real or imagined

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