
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Delusions of techno-fix

21 Oct 2021

Today’s capitalist politicians are unlikely to agree, let alone implement, the measures needed to stop runaway climate change. Jack Conrad argues that the fundamental problem lies at the level of the system itself. Nonetheless, as shown by the Soviet Union, more than the mere abolition of capitalism is needed. The associated producers must take control

Prince over the water

14 Oct 2021

The takeover of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s MBS highlights the contradictory position of fans in modern football, says Paul Demarty

The wealth of nature

14 Oct 2021

There are still those who merely offer a mirror image of bourgeois ideology, with the claim that workers create all the wealth. Jack Conrad argues that nature more than contributes: it is primary

Facing ecological meltdown

14 Oct 2021

Eddie Ford is not surprised to learn that Britain is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries

Double standards

14 Oct 2021

If there is free speech for gender-critical feminists, asks Tony Greenstein, why does this not apply to critics of Zionism?

Hadean to Capitalocene

07 Oct 2021

Climate is change. But today climate change represents an immediate danger to human civilisation and can only be mitigated if far-reaching and truly radical measures are taken. Jack Conrad looks back at the deep past and towards an uncertain future

Vigorous debate

07 Oct 2021

Paul Drummond reports on the discussions at last weekend’s meeting of CPGB and LPM comrades

Setting the record straight

30 Sep 2021

Tony Greenstein reviews 'Labour, the anti-Semitism crisis and the destroying of an MP' by Lee Garratt (Thinkwell Books, 2021, pp237, £10)

Cargo-cult Blairism

30 Sep 2021

Here we are supposed to have the intellectual background. What is revealed is a sad lack of intellectual background. Paul Demarty reviews Keir Starmer's 'The road ahead' (Fabian Ideas, 2021, pp32, £5.95)

Story of vengeance

23 Sep 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Indecent', Menier Chocolate Factory, London (ends November 27). Written by Paula Vogel and directed by Rebecca Taichman

Those who look into the abyss

23 Sep 2021

Words can have all manner of meanings. Paul Demarty takes issue with Amanda MacLean on trans rights

Combating the Capitalistocene

23 Sep 2021

With global temperatures in danger of increasing to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels by 2025, Eddie Ford fears that governments might actually do something - at our expense

Dealing with anti-vaxxers

16 Sep 2021

Invading BBC, ITN and Google. Paul Demarty examines vaccine madness and the limits of coercive action

Orthodoxy and its discontents

16 Sep 2021

It seems that there is common ground between the patriarchal right and some advocates of trans rights, argues Amanda MacLean. This article is based on her talk given to the CPGB’s Summer Communist University

Exciting, historical, tearful

09 Sep 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Summer of soul (or When the revolution could not be televised)', Ahmir Thompson (director) general release

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