
CPGB News > Reports

Party norm?

29 Aug 1996

Party notes

Railworkers... One union, One fight

29 Aug 1996

As the London underground dispute ends and strikes on the rail network look like escalating, media commentators continue to insist that it is all the fault of sinister ‘red’ union leaders

Postal strike escalates

22 Aug 1996

Rapprochement debate crystallises

22 Aug 1996

At the Communist University ‘96 rapprochement was on the top of the agenda. But there was no diplomatic truce and key areas of disagreement were fought out throughout the school in the context of many different areas of discussion

Unanswered questions

22 Aug 1996

Around the left

Class fighter

22 Aug 1996

Obituary: Michael Fenn 1938-96

All out in Liverpool

22 Aug 1996

Socialist News

22 Aug 1996

Party notes

CWU members say no deal

01 Aug 1996

Greater Manchester Socialist Alliance: Moving towards cooperation

01 Aug 1996

Steve Hall of Socialist Outlook replies to Anne Murphy’s report of the Greater Manchester Socialist Alliance Conference (Weekly Worker July 18). He includes his own report of the conference below

Labour running scared

01 Aug 1996

Toryglen by-election

Defend Bob Davies

01 Aug 1996

SL Kenning looks at the latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

SLP - a key debate

01 Aug 1996

Workers Power

A ‘proletarian party’?

01 Aug 1996

Party notes

Class struggle on the tubes

01 Aug 1996

The Socialist Labour Party must use its influence with underground workers to raise the level of the dispute

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