
CPGB News > Reports

Summer Offensive, Scargill and “the Turks”

04 Jul 1996

Party notes

In suspense

04 Jul 1996

SLP loses youth leader

27 Jun 1996

Last week we explained why we understand, but cannot agree with, Tony Savvas’s decision to quit. This week we publish correspondence relating to it

Desperately late

27 Jun 1996

The arse-end of Pabloism

27 Jun 1996

Party Notes

The ‘luxury’ of openness

20 Jun 1996

The Weekly Worker this week publishes in its entirety a document received via the offices of the Irish Republican Socialist Party. The document, from republican socialist political prisoners in Portlaoise Jail, ‘instructs’ us to apologise for printing an article (‘Historical reality’, Weekly Worker May 30) of which they disapprove. They allege that we were duped by British intelligence into publishing ‘disinformation’

Coordination of general strikes

20 Jun 1996

Resolution of Poder Obrero (Workers Power, Bolivia) and Socialist Labour Party (Paraguay)

Coup d’état defeated in Paraguay

20 Jun 1996

General strike and the left

20 Jun 1996

Workers Power in Bolivia (Poder Obrero) and the Socialist Labour Party in Paraguay report on countries rocked by general strike and the tasks of revolutionaries

Unity is strength

20 Jun 1996

Alliance election battle in Scotland

20 Jun 1996

The Scottish Socialist Alliance is fighting its first election on June 27. John Davies of Scottish Militant Labour is standing in the Invergordon ward of the Highlands council. Mary Ward, SLP member in Dundee, spoke to him

No witch hunt ... yet

20 Jun 1996

Final lap

20 Jun 1996

Our backyard

20 Jun 1996

Party notes

Postal workers demand action

20 Jun 1996

Rank and file put CWU on the offensive

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