
CPGB News > Reports

Workers refuse to give in

19 Sep 1996

The SLP: a party of ‘recomposition’?

19 Sep 1996

Party notes

CWU must escalate to win

12 Sep 1996

Back in business

12 Sep 1996

Last week Hugh Torney, a former chief of staff of the Irish National Liberation Army, was shot dead in Lurgan, Co Armagh. Torney was replaced after independently declaring a ceasefire from a Dublin courtroom, where he faced arms charges. He was believed to be behind a series of attacks on the new leadership and its political wing, the Irish Republican Socialist Party. The Weekly Worker spoke to IRSP executive member Paul Carson

First impressions of our paper

12 Sep 1996

SL Kenning looks at the latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Unemployed fightback begins

12 Sep 1996

Transitional forms?

12 Sep 1996

Party notes

Labour shows unions their place

12 Sep 1996

Labour blasts postworkers

05 Sep 1996

In tune with the members

05 Sep 1996

The RMT transport union is currently in dispute with 20 train-operating companies. It has called further one-day strikes and an overtime ban at seven, while members at 13 others are being balloted for action. Alan Pottage is on the 12-strong national executive committee of the RMT, where he sits alongside six other members of the Socialist Labour Party. Peter Manson asked him about the role of the SLP in the disputes

Impressive Achievement

05 Sep 1996

Party notes

Attack on all workers

05 Sep 1996

Chris Ford, secretary of the West London CPSA union branch and organiser of this Saturday’s London march, spoke to the Weekly Worker

Revolutionary Platform of the SLP

29 Aug 1996

Document as amended and accepted by the first conference of the RP

Call for International solidarity

29 Aug 1996

CWU turning point

29 Aug 1996

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