
CPGB News > Reports

Privatisation threat

25 Jul 1996

Showing solidarity

25 Jul 1996

Statement from Liverpool Dockers Shop Stewards Committee delegation to Turkey (July 12-19 1996)

Another rotten bloc?

25 Jul 1996

Various self-proclaimed Trotskyist currents are moving towards fusion: Militant Labour is talking to Usec and the LIT to the WRP (Workers Press). Here the Communist Workers Group of New Zealand discusses moves between Workers Power/LRCI and the PTS of Argentina

Transitional method

25 Jul 1996

Linda Addison reports on last week’s CPGB London seminar on Trotsky’s Transitional programme, introduced by Richard Price of the Workers International League (Workers News)

Wind Power?

25 Jul 1996

Party notes

Dundee against school closures: Preparing for battles ahead

18 Jul 1996

Mary Ward spoke to Evie Cummins and Lizzie Dolan, two prominent activists in Dundee’s Community Against School Closures (CASC) campaign

Marxism, passivity and the SWP

18 Jul 1996

Charter for socialist change

18 Jul 1996

Scargill gagged

18 Jul 1996

Dennis McDonald is the North East regional organiser of the Socialist Labour Party. Peter Manson of the Weekly Worker asked him about the SLP’s participation at last weekend’s Durham Miners’ Gala

Melting into air

18 Jul 1996

Party notes

Right wrecks Manchester

11 Jul 1996

SLP Unity

11 Jul 1996

Party notes

Sign up for health

04 Jul 1996

Left SLP trends

04 Jul 1996

We reprint below extracts from a document distributed by West London Socialist Labour Party member Barbara Duke

Manchester witch-hunt

04 Jul 1996

Steve Smethurst has been bureaucratically excluded from membership of the Socialist Labour Party. The chair of his branch preferred to close down an SLP meeting rather than allow the membership to discuss the question. We reprint below the text of his letter to Manchester members

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