
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

No victory for progress

08 Jun 2017

The new taoiseach is anything but progressive, writes Anne McShane. He opposes abortion and women’s rights

Collaboration that haunts Zionism

01 Jun 2017

Tony Greenstein reviews: Paul Bogdanor, 'Kasztner’s crimes', Routledge, 2016, pp335, £61.59

Israel and the Messiah’s ass

01 Jun 2017

On the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War Moshé Machover looks at the background and consequences

Will Macron have a majority?

25 May 2017

In June there will be a general election in France as well as the UK. René Gimpel looks at the main contenders

A route out of paralysis

18 May 2017

Is Turkey ‘on the road to fascism’? Such talk is utterly counterproductive, argues Esen Uslu

Class struggle or national war?

04 May 2017

Moshé Machover replies to Tony Greenstein

No concessions

04 May 2017

The French left must overcome its panic and maintain its opposition to the dysfunctional capitalist establishment, argues Paul Demarty

Not back to normal

27 Apr 2017

The centre-right and the centre-left suffered defeat, but the markets are no longer in a panic. Yassamine Mather looks at the French ... and the Iranian presidential elections

Failed recipes

27 Apr 2017

We must relearn the art of thinking strategically. Jack Conrad joins the debate on Israel-Palestine

Compulsory lies

06 Apr 2017

Caving in to the ‘anti-Semitism’ falsehoods is Labour’s contribution to the ‘post-truth society’, writes Mike Macnair

Labour’s Star Chamber

06 Apr 2017

Why do the witch-hunters refuse to deal with the content? Tony Greenstein comments on the Livingstone verdict

Understanding Khalid Masood

30 Mar 2017

We cannot explain atrocities like the Westminster attack through individual psychology, argues Paul Demarty

Behind the charitable mask

30 Mar 2017

Not only Theresa May, but Jeremy Corbyn too, have lent their support to an entirely bogus definition of anti-Semitism. This can only benefit Zionist outfits such as the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, writes Tony Greenstein

Shift to hard right

23 Mar 2017

Jos Alembic and Richard Hoogstraten analyse the results of the Dutch elections and where they leave the Socialist Party

From guns to government

23 Mar 2017

Kevin Bean unravels the enigma of Martin McGuinness - IRA commander and deputy first minster of Northern Ireland

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