
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

Being black is their only crime

01 Feb 2018

Thousands of Israelis are attempting to stop the deportation of African refugees, reports Tony Greenstein

End the witch hunt

25 Jan 2018

Stan Keable, secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt, reports on a successful lobby of Labour’s NEC

Supplement: After king Jesus

21 Dec 2017

It was Paul who founded Christianity, a religion that in many ways upholds doctrines which are the exact opposite of the real teachings of Jesus. Jack Conrad sifts through the evidence

Anti-Semites not welcome

14 Dec 2017

Tony Greenstein explains why Socialist Fight must be excluded from Labour Against the Witchhunt

False history and lip service

14 Dec 2017

Far from aiding the ‘peace process’, writes Yassamine Mather, Trump’s Jerusalem announcement will act as an encouragement to Israeli expansionism

Farcical and malicious

07 Dec 2017

The December 2 Labour Against the Witchhunt meeting included an important contribution by black activist Marc Wadsworth. Alan Fox reports

Zionism and holocaust abuse

30 Nov 2017

It is completely legitimate to draw comparisons with the Nazis, insists Tony Greenstein

Poststructuralism and decline

23 Nov 2017

Rex Dunn argues that sexism within the left is not the root cause for the rise of political correctness and identity politics

Quoting Nazis to damn ‘the Zionists’

16 Nov 2017

From Solidarity November 8 2017

Both sides of the witch-hunt

16 Nov 2017

It is not anti-Semitic to refer to the mutual praise exchanged between the Nazis and Zionists. Tony Greenstein examines the AWL’s political schizophrenia

Power structures and democratisation

16 Nov 2017

Mike Macnair looks at the implications of the ‘Pestminster’ scandal

Rising to the challenge

16 Nov 2017

Could the FLA develop into a fully-fledged fascist movement? That depends on the scale of forthcoming crises and the response of the left, argues James Harvey

Centrepiece of imperial strategy

03 Nov 2017

On the centenary of the Balfour declaration, Tony Greenstein looks at the reasons underlying British support for Zionism

Build the momentum

02 Nov 2017

In an outstanding victory against the rightwing witch-hunters, Moshé Machover has been unconditionally reinstated as a Labour member. David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists urges comrades to build on the success of the campaign to overturn his expulsion

The negative-sum internet

26 Oct 2017

Paul Demarty reviews: Angela Nagle, Kill all normies: the online culture wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the alt-right and Trump, Zero Books, 2017, pp120, £9.99

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