
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

Predictions amidst uncertainties

16 Mar 2017

Yassamine Mather looks behind the rhetoric of the ‘resistance economy’

All or nothing

09 Mar 2017

Erdoğan is going for bust in an attempt to cling onto power, writes Esen Uslu

Zionist attack on free speech

09 Mar 2017

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign must oppose bogus definitions of ‘anti-Semitism’, argues Tony Greenstein

Flee, die or receive baptism?

16 Feb 2017

Rex Dunn reviews: Mihail Sebastian, 'For two thousand years', Penguin Modern Classics, 2016, pp231, £9.99

Don’t shit where you eat

02 Feb 2017

Theresa May is only one of many people put in an awkward position by Donald Trump’s travel bans, argues Paul Demarty

Economic cold war looms

02 Feb 2017

Theresa May wants to cuddle up to Trump, writes Eddie Ford, but EU leaders are horrified

Zionism cannot be appeased

02 Feb 2017

Jon Lansman’s coup was an act of desperation. No credibility should be given to his imposed constitution, argues Tony Greenstein

Fake claims blown apart

19 Jan 2017

Al Jazeera’s The lobby exposes the establishment’s ‘anti-Semitism’ claims for what they are, writes Tony Greenstein

Yalda - triumph of light

22 Dec 2016

Yassamine Mather explains the Zoroastrian winter solstice festival of light, Shabe Yalda, and how Iran’s ruling clerics have failed to extinguish it

Jesus: armed and dangerous

22 Dec 2016

Forget the virgin birth, the stable, the wondrous star, the shepherds and the wise men, the massacre of the innocents and the angel of the lord telling Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt. All pure invention. Jesus was an apocalyptic revolutionary, says Jack Conrad

Quest for purity

15 Dec 2016

Is dubbing Israel a ‘racist state’ anti-Semitic? Tony Greenstein looks at the reality on the ground

Economics of the madhouse

01 Dec 2016

Despite the construction boom, things are not boding well for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu

A welcome for Trump and Bannon

24 Nov 2016

Anti-Semitism has never been a problem for Zionism, observes Tony Greenstein

Crisis of establishment

17 Nov 2016

All you can say with certainty about the Donald Trump presidency, writes Eddie Ford, is ‘Expect the unexpected’

Silence is as good as compliance

17 Nov 2016

Iain McNicol has banned discussion of Zionism, anti-Semitism and the internal witch-hunt, reports Tony Greenstein

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