
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

Forgotten gem retrieved

15 Dec 2022

Stan Keable reviews They won’t let you live by Simon Blumenfeld (introduction by Tali Chilson. London Books 2022, pp250)

A bogus imperialist narrative

15 Dec 2022

Many people imagine Israel as the natural representative of Jewish memory. Nothing could be further from the truth. Tony Greenstein introduces his new book Zionism during the holocaust

Pagan origins and modern tinsel

15 Dec 2022

Official society combines crass money-making with celebrating the birth of the man-god Jesus. Knowing their history, a few Christians dissent, refuse to join in. Jack Conrad is all for the good things in life

After the election

01 Dec 2022

Netanyahu’s coalition is a rag-bag of rightists, religious fanatics and rabble-rousers. But it is dangerous. A regional war and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is a real prospect, argues Moshé Machover

Turbocharging Zionist colonialism

10 Nov 2022

Negotiations to form a far-right coalition are still ongoing, but there can be no hiding Netanyahu’s victory. Moshé Machover locates the drift to the right in the Zionist project itself

Moving ever further right

20 Oct 2022

November’s election is far from certain. The only thing for sure is that the next coalition government will be dominated either by the far right or the still further to the right, argues Tony Greenstein

Collaboration with Nazism

11 Aug 2022

Gaby Rubin reviews Zionism during the holocaust: the weaponisation of holocaust memory in the service of state and nation by Tony Greenstein (2022, pp488)

Messianic colonialism

09 Jun 2022

Religious ideology and nationalist ideology have a unique interrelationship; after all, even secular Zionists have to justify their ongoing colonial project with reference to a god they do not believe in. However, as Moshé Machover shows, it is the religious Zionists of the far right who are increasingly setting the agenda, not least by staging all manner of highly dangerous provocations

Westminster is main culprit

17 Mar 2022

Anne McShane is appalled by the systemic institutional abuse that took place in the children’s homes of Northern Ireland over decades. But why has the UK government been let off the hook?

Abstraction and obfuscation

10 Feb 2022

Paul Demarty reviews 'Anti-Postone', an essay written by Michael Sommer and translated by Maciej Zurowski (Cosmonaut Press, 2021, pp124, £11.99)

Bitter fruit of imperialism

04 Nov 2021

Islamist jihadism is a modern, not an ancient, phenomenon. Yassamine Mather looks at causes, social roots and terrible consequences

Story of vengeance

23 Sep 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Indecent', Menier Chocolate Factory, London (ends November 27). Written by Paula Vogel and directed by Rebecca Taichman

Centrality of class independence

12 Aug 2021

Khomeini and the clergy completely outmanoeuvred the left. But it need not have been that way. In his second and concluding article on the role of oil workers in the 1979 revolution, Peyman Jafari stresses the complex nature of ideology and class consciousness

Blasphemy laws old and new

01 Apr 2021

Freedom of speech includes the right to criticise, explain and even mock, insists Eddie Ford

Uyghurs: why now?

18 Mar 2021

Are the Chinese guilty of ‘genocide’? Daniel Lazare looks behind the wall-to-wall propaganda

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