
Society & Culture > Religion

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

A world turned upside-down

14 Dec 2023

Festivals of wild disorder symbolically assert human solidarity. Mike Macnair explores the history, ancient and modern, of a constantly reproduced Golden Age

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

30 Nov 2023

Three typologies, three stages, three martyrs. In the second of three articles, Jack Conrad investigates a highly variegated history of the organisation in Egypt

A Jewish crisis

02 Nov 2023

Zionism ≠ Judaism. Daniel Lazare looks at the effect that Israel’s oppression of Palestine is having on American Jews - as more and more of them join protests against the threat of genocide in Gaza

What you need to know about Hamas

19 Oct 2023

Eddie Ford looks at the history and politics of what is a deeply reactionary organisation and how we could win the battle of ideas

A year of defiance

21 Sep 2023

Despite countless protest demonstrations and at least 500 deaths the Islamic regime still clings to power. Yassamine Mather calls upon the left to think seriously about strategy, mass organisation and a party

Double standards on show

27 Jul 2023

While the morality police are back on patrol, top figures in the regime are renowned for preaching one thing and doing another, writes Yassamine Mather

Veiled lessons

29 Jun 2023

Yassamine Mather spoke to Anne McShane at a Hands Off the People of Iran meeting. Given the recent wave of arrests in Iran and new legislation reinforcing the wearing of the hijab, the experience of the Soviet Union’s Zhenotdel in the 1920s is of particular relevance.

Heirs of Edmund Burke

25 May 2023

For all its incoherence, the National Conservatism conference in London is indicative of a worrying direction of travel for the global right, argues Paul Demarty

Part of the stream

11 May 2023

MS Kia Sliding into revolution: a doctor’s memories of life, love and revolution Lulu 2022, pp330, £14.96

Dragged over the coals

13 Apr 2023

Why on earth is the right going nuts over drag queens? Paul Demarty investigates the latest moral panic

Zhenotdel and its travails

30 Mar 2023

In light of the ongoing Women, Life, Freedom protests in Iran, Anne McShane discussed with Yassamine Mather the lessons that can be drawn from the fight for women’s emancipation in post-revolutionary Russia

Truth must be silenced

09 Feb 2023

BBC2’s documentary about the 2002 Gujarat pogrom has caused a storm. Modi’s government and its friends abroad have made accusations of insensitivity, racism and colonial attitudes, reports Bill Goodridge

Low stunts, high politics

26 Jan 2023

In the run-up to the May elections, the provocations of anti-Muslim rightwingers have been a godsend for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu

Safe space for Zionism

26 Jan 2023

The left should and will reject Rebecca Tuck’s report into ‘anti-Semitism’ - but our own errors make it hard to fight back, argues Paul Demarty

The sins of the father

05 Jan 2023

He presided over the destruction of liberation theology, backed the US rollback of communism and provided ideological cover for contra death squads. Paul Demarty examines the legacy of Benedict XVI

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