
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Left merger still on hold

09 Feb 2006

"An absurd fratricidal war" - this is how the political magazine Der Spiegel describes the current difficulties hampering the creation of a new left party in Germany. But the root of the dispute is not absurd at all, says Tina Becker: it centres on the important question of government participation. By employing a range of bureaucratic manoeuvres, the WASG leadership is now trying to silence its own opposition that demands the party take a principled stand against accepting ministerial posts - while the SWP's German section sides with the right

Respect Party Platform founding statement

09 Feb 2006

Statement of objectives

Rough ride for Rees

09 Feb 2006

SWP leader John Rees was only adopted as a Respect candidate after strong objections from a sizeable bloc of Bengali members. But the drive to turn him into a political celebrity is unmistakable. Dave Jacques reports

'Big brother' fallout creates divisions

09 Feb 2006

Respect is an inherently unstable political formation, writes Alec Long. And the cracks are beginning to show

Freedom of speech still in danger

02 Feb 2006

While Blair's defeat over religious incitement is to be welcomed, the new law could still be wielded against the working class, writes Peter Manson. That is why it is appalling that George Galloway and Respect were New Labour's only allies in the Commons

Security, control and principled debate

02 Feb 2006

Does our paper's fight for transparency in the workers' movement play games with "people's lives and livelihoods"? The letter below from Mike Davies, a member of the left nationalist group, Cymru Goch, makes that charge. Mark Fischer replies

What's principle got to do with it?

02 Feb 2006

At the 'Defy section 9' conference in Manchester, the comrades from the SWP again tried to prevent the meeting from taking principled positions on the question of immigration, reports Dave Isaacson

Rein in Galloway

02 Feb 2006

George Galloway might think that by paying back part of his parliamentary salary he can take some of the wind out of his enemy's sails - but his gesture exposes again the fact that his appearance on Celebrity big brother had everything to do with advancing his reputation as a media personality and very little with Respect or working class principles, says Tina Becker

Victim of 'democracy'

26 Jan 2006

SW Kenning comments on SWP paranioa and the witch-hunting of one of their own members

Making a difference?

26 Jan 2006

Salma Yaqoob's politics have more to do with mainstream liberalism than with socialism, says Alan Fox

New SA council meets

19 Jan 2006

The first meeting of the Council of Socialist Organisations was held on January 14. The council was set up by the Socialist Alliance at its conference last November. Its aim is to provide a forum for discussion and coordination between SA affiliated organisations, local SAs and the SA executive. Pete Mc Laren reports

Completing Marx's project

19 Jan 2006

Communist Party comrades in London recently began a collective study of Beyond 'Capital', written by Michael A Lebowitz. The author argues that Capital, taken alone, is one-sided, given Marx's intention to also write a book on wage-labour. The incompleteness of Marx's work has helped produce a left whose theory is distorted and characterised by economism and programmatic narrowness. Mark Fischer spoke to the comrade in Venezuela, where he currently lives. He began with a description of his personal evolution as a communist

SWP bites its lip

19 Jan 2006

The Socialist Workers Party is deeply uneasy about George Galloway's antics in the Big brother house - but it was them who gave him carte blanche to be a free agent in the first place, says Peter Manson

Faith schools too hot for SWP

12 Jan 2006

The left must takes this issue seriously, says Michelle Euston. After all, faith schools are envisaged in the government's white paper on education as a wedge to break up comprehensive education system

Rumblings of rebellion

12 Jan 2006

SW Kenning reports on last weekend's SWP conference

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