
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Sow the wind, reap the windbag

03 Nov 2016

Donald Trump is a symptom of the sickness of American politics - but the likes of Hillary Clinton are the cause, argues Paul Demarty

Swimming in the right pond

20 Oct 2016

Maciej Zurowski talks to Paul Thompson about the emergence of the skinhead subculture and its implicit values

Redefining anti-Semitism

20 Oct 2016

The transparent dishonesty of the home affairs select committee is remarkable, writes Tony Greenstein

Saint Bob’s bauble

20 Oct 2016

Dylan’s Nobel prize has little to do with him, and more to do with the flagging artistic establishment, argues Harley Filben

Attempt to outlaw justified anger

20 Oct 2016

The demand that Corbyn should apologise for Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ is a demand to bow before US policymakers, writes Mike Macnair

Hard Brexit or no Brexit?

20 Oct 2016

Unless there is a traumatic economic crisis, argues Eddie Ford, Theresa May looks set for a landslide victory in an early general election

Labour’s perpetual war zone

13 Oct 2016

Corbyn is right to keep the power to hire and fire, writes Eddie Ford

Hitting the jackpot?

13 Oct 2016

Stand Up To Racism looks set to be a big success in SWP terms, writes Peter Manson. But will it advance the cause of the working class?

More than just cowardice

13 Oct 2016

Tony Greenstein explains why the case of Jackie Walker is so important

Internal and external onslaught

13 Oct 2016

Esen Uslu reports on the Erdoğan regime’s ongoing oppression, its Kurdish war and involvement in Syria

Opening shots of next election

06 Oct 2016

Paul Demarty looks at Theresa May’s conversion to red Toryism

Caving in to the witch-hunt

06 Oct 2016

The targeting of Jackie Walker is a disgrace, writes Tony Greenstein

Overthrowing a false prophet

06 Oct 2016

Jack Conrad reviews: Chris Knight, 'Decoding Chomsky', Yale University Press 2016, pp285, £18.99

Explaining the holocaust industry

29 Sep 2016

Norman Finkelstein recalls how the official narrative on the Jews and Israel has changed over his lifetime. This is an edited version of a speech given to Communist University 2016

Victory and retreat

29 Sep 2016

Despite the talk about ‘wiping the slate clean’, Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists expects the war to continue

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