
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Are Renzi’s days numbered?

01 Dec 2016

The December 4 constitutional referendum could be one poll where the predictions turn out to be correct, writes Toby Abse

What sort of populism?

17 Nov 2016

Toby Abse reviews: Filippo Tronconi (ed) 'Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement: organisation, communication and ideology', Ashgate Publishing, 2015, pp250, £67.99

Court judgement works for May

10 Nov 2016

The Brexit right gets ready for its march on the supreme court, while the Tories prepare for an early general election, writes Eddie Ford

Demands of capital will triumph

03 Nov 2016

Eddie Ford says that, while Theresa May speaks about a hard Brexit for domestic advantage, what she will deliver will either be a soft Brexit or no Brexit at all

Who is the real Theresa May?

27 Oct 2016

The prime minister will probably go for an early general election, writes Eddie Ford - Brexit troubles lie ahead

Right to choose now

27 Oct 2016

Irish women must emulate the militancy of their sisters in Poland, writes Anne McShane

Hard Brexit or no Brexit?

20 Oct 2016

Unless there is a traumatic economic crisis, argues Eddie Ford, Theresa May looks set for a landslide victory in an early general election

Lexiteers all at sea

15 Sep 2016

Both the Morning Star’s CPB and SPEW advocate immigration controls and socialism in one country, notes Mike Macnair

After the Brexit vote

25 Aug 2016

Mike Macnair argues that very little has become clearer since late June

Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup

21 Jul 2016

While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu

Three Brexiteers set up to fail

21 Jul 2016

When it comes to the EU, Theresa May has shown herself capable of thinking ahead for more than a week, writes Eddie Ford

Brexit shock waves

07 Jul 2016

The UK referendum vote has added to the uncertainty in Italy, notes Toby Abse

After an unexpected vote

30 Jun 2016

Mike Macnair introduced the discussion at the CPGB aggregate on the fallout following the EU referendum result. This is an edited version of his speech

The politics of platitudes

23 Jun 2016

Commissaress discusses the implications of the EU referendum campaign on political discourse

Our strategy and tactics

16 Jun 2016

Jack Conrad looks at the referendum - and beyond that to the challenge of continental unity

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