
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Check out, but never leave

27 Jul 2017

The reality of Brexit is starting to become apparent, writes Eddie Ford. And the government is increasingly under pressure from big business

Brexit reality wall

20 Jul 2017

Eddie Ford does not find it impossible to imagine a national government emerging from an EU-induced crisis

Hegemon opts out

13 Jul 2017

We live in strange times. Eddie Ford looks at the G20 summit in Hamburg

Left’s movementist delusions

13 Jul 2017

Neither a million-strong demonstration nor mass strikes would in themselves be likely to bring down the Tories, argues Mike Macnair. But, with the government weak and wobbly, the real question is what happens after a general election. Greece holds plenty of negative lessons

Racists and Islamophobes

06 Jul 2017

Following the triumph of the right in last month’s local elections, writes Toby Abse, the left appears more and more isolated

Macron’s crushing majority

22 Jun 2017

Despite the poor performance of the left René Gimpel expects militant action

Grillo and M5S humiliated

22 Jun 2017

Toby Abse examines the first round of the local elections and the return to the main parties

Difficult times ahead

08 Jun 2017

Macron appears to be hankering after some form of Gaullist rule. But what of the left? René Gimpel looks at the programmes, prospects and divisions in the run-up to the June 18 elections

Will Macron have a majority?

25 May 2017

In June there will be a general election in France as well as the UK. René Gimpel looks at the main contenders

Playing into Grillo’s hands

11 May 2017

Toby Abse reports on the balance of forces following Renzi’s re-election

No concessions

04 May 2017

The French left must overcome its panic and maintain its opposition to the dysfunctional capitalist establishment, argues Paul Demarty

Not back to normal

27 Apr 2017

The centre-right and the centre-left suffered defeat, but the markets are no longer in a panic. Yassamine Mather looks at the French ... and the Iranian presidential elections

‘No’ - it’s not over yet!

20 Apr 2017

The AKP government is in crisis following the rigged referendum. Esen Uslu reports

Hit by corruption scandals

30 Mar 2017

Beppe Grillo and the right-populist Movimento Cinque Stelle are making gains, writes Toby Abse

A watermen’s fight

30 Mar 2017

Esen Uslu reports on the pandemonium created by Erdoğan in the run-up to next month’s referendum

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