
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

M5S is not a leftwing party

16 Jun 2016

Why are elements within the left recommending a vote for Beppe Grillo’s party? Toby Abse points to its links with the far right

M5S on course to take Rome

09 Jun 2016

Toby Abse reports on last weekend’s local elections

Divisions continue to multiply

02 Jun 2016

Berlusconi shows all the signs of being a spent force, writes Toby Abse. But overall, politics still moves to the right

Political response needed

02 Jun 2016

How will the resistance to France’s ‘labour reforms’ end? Daren Greene looks at the contending forces

Two reactionary camps

26 May 2016

Our class can gain nothing by voting for either of the two options, argues Peter Manson

Scandal hits M5S

19 May 2016

As Beppe Grillo prepares to step down, his populist party stands accused of corruption. Toby Abse reports

A continent of the mind

19 May 2016

Jack Conrad shows that the European Union has been shaped not only by rival state powers, but by class politics too

Without monarchies or standing armies

12 May 2016

Jack Conrad explores Leon Trotsky’s strategic thinking

A highly serviceable political weapon

05 May 2016

Jack Conrad discusses Lenin and the ‘United States of Europe’ slogan

Better bad unity than bad disunity

28 Apr 2016

Jack Conrad examines the German question in light of the perspectives of the Marx-Engels team

Populism, nationalism and racism

21 Apr 2016

Fred Leplat (ed), 'The far right in Europe', Resistance Books and International Institute for Research and Education, London 2015, pp334, £12

Much ado about nothing

21 Apr 2016

History does repeat itself, says Eddie Ford. Just as with the 1975 referendum, once again we have a government trying to pull a fast one

The in-out kabuki dance

14 Apr 2016

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists says a passive boycott is not as good as an active boycott. But it is far better than participating in Stronger in Europe

Renzi in the firing line

14 Apr 2016

Scandals reminiscent of the Berlusconi era have put the prime minister under sustained pressure, writes Toby Abse

Both sides are reactionary

07 Apr 2016

Demands are growing for Jeremy Corbyn to swing the balance to save Dave Cameron’s bacon. Eddie Ford calls for an active boycott

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