
Democracy & State > Europe

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Disaster waiting to happen

24 Mar 2016

Eddie Ford finds the EU-Turkey deal on migrants both inhuman and unworkable

Flip-flopping over in or out

10 Mar 2016

Neither Corbyn’s current stance, nor his former position is in workers’ interests, argues Peter Manson

A carnival of reaction

25 Feb 2016

Neither side in the EU referendum campaign deserves leftwing support, argues Paul Demarty

Selling a pig in a poke

11 Feb 2016

Communists cannot support either a ‘remain’ or a ‘leave’ vote, writes Eddie Ford

Cameron’s chauvinist chicanery

04 Feb 2016

The forthcoming EU referendum is a contest between reactionary forces, argues Paul Demarty

Migrant sex mob hysteria

14 Jan 2016

Instead of fighting for open borders and internationalism, the left in Germany has joined the ruling class in its collective embarrassment, says Tina Becker

Capital’s economic Nato

17 Dec 2015

Ferdi De Ville and Gabriel Siles-Brügge The truth about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Polity, 2015, pp160, £12.99

Learn the lessons of Syriza

17 Dec 2015

What will the weekend bring for Podemos? Tom Munday and Ana Ibarruri comment on the likely outcome of the general election

Making matters worse

19 Nov 2015

Official reaction to the atrocities in France demonstrates once again that imperialism has no answers, writes Yassamine Mather

Left splits from Renzi

12 Nov 2015

Toby Abse reports on the formation of a new parliamentary bloc in Italy

Austerity in the colours of Syriza

24 Sep 2015

Alexis Tsipras has escaped punishment at the ballot box, says Daniel Harvey, but the Greek election is a bad result for the left

Open the borders

10 Sep 2015

The refugee crisis has highlighted once again the inhumanity of the bourgeoisie’s insistence that free movement must be controlled. Peter Manson examines the response of the left

Exploitation, despoliation, corruption

06 Aug 2015

Toby Abse looks at the sorry story of the Riva family

No left turn

06 Aug 2015

Those who think the surrender of Alexis Tsipras will push Syriza further to the left are deluding themselves, says Daniel Harvey

Berlin turns Greece into debt colony

16 Jul 2015

Syriza’s humiliating capitulation has lessons for us all, says Eddie Ford - principally the need for united organisation on a European scale

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