
Society & Culture > Ecology

To save the planet, fight for a red world

03 Dec 2009

Capitalism is showing itself to be totally incapable of cutting back on carbon emissions, writes Eddie Ford

Ohio’s perfect storm

02 Mar 2023

Daniel Lazare warns that, with Trump skilfully championing poor whites, with weak trade unions and a ‘left’ intent on tailing Biden, the danger of a rightwing dictatorship grows

Fusion is no solution

26 Jan 2023

There has been much crowing over the recent breakthrough in nuclear technology. But Jack Conrad has his doubts about fusion being the ultimate terrestrial energy source

Hypocrisy, lies and disinformation

19 Jan 2023

Exxon long knew about the catastrophic effects of global warming, writes Eddie Ford. But they denied it, because what comes first is making money

Strategy, turns and dangers

12 Jan 2023

Run by a self-appointed elite, XR has ‘quit’ the tactic of disruption, much to the disapproval of the SWP. Eddie Ford comments

Dying of the planet

15 Dec 2022

The Montreal conference on biodiversity was always, predictably, heading towards failure, writes Eddie Ford. Because of the Capitalian, the sixth mass extinction of species is already upon us

Contradictions of capital itself

01 Dec 2022

Michael Roberts reviews Marx in the Anthropocene: towards the idea of degrowth communism by Kohei Saito (Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp300)

Planet left to fry

24 Nov 2022

Eddie Ford is not surprised that Cop27 was a failure, all participants are committed to growth for the sake of growth

Greenwashing the crisis

03 Nov 2022

While the planet stands on the edge of runaway climate change, another totally inadequate Cop conference is about to begin. But, writes Eddie Ford, protest politics is also totally inadequate

Art attack

20 Oct 2022

Young activists from Just Stop Oil have been castigated by the usual parade of ranting tabloid hacks and LBC anchors for defacing a Van Gogh. But, argues Paul Demarty, the stunt highlights the limits of direct-action groups

Background to the Capitalocene

01 Sep 2022

It is capitalism which lies at the heart of the climate crisis. Jim Moody explores possible technical solutions to what is, he argues, a social question

Phew, what a scorcher

21 Jul 2022

As temperatures hit record highs, James Harvey pours scorn on the Johnson government’s totally inadequate targets and the backtracking by the leadership candidates, not least Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak

Running out of luck

26 May 2022

The new Labor government is committed, like its predecessor, to the US alliance and disengaging with China. Meanwhile, real wages fall, inflation increases and climate change brings floods, fires and droughts. Michael Roberts looks at a country facing troubled times

No quick fix

14 Apr 2022

Mimicking the sun and producing power using nuclear fusion has long been a dream and it appears that will be the case for a long time to come. Yassamine Mather explains

An unsafe technology

10 Mar 2022

Russian shelling near the Zaporizhzhia plant is a stark reminder of the inherently dangerous nature of nuclear power, warns Eddie Ford

Complex and chaotic

24 Feb 2022

It seems that freak weather events are becoming increasingly normal, writes Eddie Ford

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