Society & Culture > Ecology
To save the planet, fight for a red world
03 Dec 2009
Capitalism is showing itself to be totally incapable of cutting back on carbon emissions, writes Eddie Ford
World climate conference
30 Nov 2000
Mastering nature
Rain, floods, global warming, and platitudes
09 Nov 2000
Marx and ecology - part three
21 Sep 2000
Marx und àkologie
21 Sep 2000
Im ersten von drei Artikeln beleuchtet Michael Malkin, wie Karl Marx die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Natur sah
Marx and ecology - part two
07 Sep 2000
Michael Malkin continues his three-part examination of the relationship between humanity and nature in Marx's thought
Marx and ecology
31 Aug 2000
In the first of three articles, Michael Malkin examines the relationship between humanity and nature in the thought of Karl Marx
Change and flux
16 Dec 1999
Danny Hammill reviews 'Almost like a whale: The origin of species updated' by Steve Jones
Turning the GM tide?
08 Jul 1999
Mary Godwin reviews 'Genetic engineering, food and our environment: a brief guide' by Luke Anderson
Prince of fools
10 Jun 1999
Challenge for working class
25 Feb 1999
Genetically modified food
Controlling nature
03 Sep 1998
Red-green debate
The greening of socialism
20 Aug 1998
Terry Liddle of the Green Party opened a discussion on red-green cooperation at Communist University ’98. Here are extracts from his contributions
Let them eat tacks
14 May 1998
Humanising our environment
17 Jul 1997
Do communists support a ban on fox-hunting or do we defend the ‘democratic rights’ of fox-hunters? Is a campaign to ban fox-hunting a ‘diversion’ from serious politics? Danny Hammill gives his view on some of these issues, debated at a recent CPGB London seminar