Party & Programme > Democratic centralism
The long view
29 Mar 2012
Communists must be patient, writes Paul Demarty, avoiding the twins of opportunism and adventurism
For genuine democratic centralism
11 Jul 2002
"Through the fullest, most open debate we seek to achieve unity in action and a common world outlook." This statement appears in the third paragraph of the revised 'What we fight for' column. John Pearson disagrees with the party majority.
Programme and party
07 Feb 2002
The SWP's main problem is that it is "not big enough", says Paul Foot. Size isn't everything, reckons Mark Fischer
For a paper and partyism
29 Nov 2001
Communists has always argued that within the Socialist Alliance there lies a compelling logic towards the formation of a party.
Socialist Party
25 Jan 2001
'Damaged' by principled criticism As previously reported, long-standing Socialist Party member Harry Paterson lost his appeal against expulsion (see Weekly Worker November 16). The SP's appeals board has finally produced this report of its November 11 hearing
Socialist Party in England and Wales
23 Nov 2000
Rebel signal This protest letter has been sent to the Socialist Party executive committee and, as a courtesy, to Harry Paterson, who emailed it to the Weekly Worker
Expelled for speaking out
16 Nov 2000
Harry Paterson, a long-standing member of the Socialist Party/Militant, has had his appeal against expulsion turned down. He spoke to Peter Manson of the Weekly Worker
For democratic centralism
23 Mar 2000
Harry Paterson, member of Peter Taaffe's Socialist Party in England and Wales, calls for real democracy and revolutionary centralism
SWP conference
04 Nov 1999
Here we reprint short extracts from the first two of the SWP’s Pre-conference discussion bulletin. We have chosen the most interesting, or more accurately, the least dull, passages.
16 Sep 1999
Minority rights and the CPGB
29 Apr 1999
Democratic centralism
Left in crisis
12 Nov 1998
Party notes
The Party ‘line’
03 Sep 1998
Party notes
Perspectives ’99
27 Aug 1998
Party notes
SWP in practice
30 Jul 1998
Taking sides
30 Jul 1998
Party notes