
Party & Programme > Democratic centralism

The long view

29 Mar 2012

Communists must be patient, writes Paul Demarty, avoiding the twins of opportunism and adventurism

Target for a witch-hunt

16 Nov 2017

Moshé Machover, recently reinstated into the Labour Party following his summary expulsion, addressed a meeting organised by the CPGB and Labour Party Marxists on November 12

Supplement: The Bolsheviks & socialist revolution

26 Oct 2017

Did Lenin’s April theses amount to ‘rearming the party’? Paul Le Blanc argues that the contributions of Lars T Lih and Eric Blanc do not tell the whole story

Triumph of ‘revolutionary parliamentarism’

12 Oct 2017

Elections - as a means, not an end - were central to Lenin’s strategic thinking, argued August Nimtz in his concluding talk at the CPGB’s Communist University1

Labour’s ‘flexible’ rules

12 Oct 2017

If being a supporter of LPM is incompatible with Labour’s ‘aims and principles’, asks Carla Roberts, where does that leave all the other political organisations inside the party?

Stuffed parrots and Momentum texts

28 Sep 2017

There was a joyous, even jubilant mood, but the decision-making was opaque, writes first-time delegate Gerry Green

Keep up the pressure

21 Sep 2017

Labour’s NEC has opened the door for much-needed change - now the left needs to take advantage of that opening, says Carla Roberts

Lenin refutes a misreading of the April theses

31 Aug 2017

Reproducing a historic polemic

Lenin glosses the April theses

31 Aug 2017

In this fifth part of his series, Lars T Lih focuses on Lenin’s April 21 1917 Pravda article, ‘A basic question’

Corrections from up close

29 Jun 2017

Censorship or retrofit? In the third part of the series, ‘All power to the soviets’, Lars T Lih looks at Lenin’s ‘Letters from afar’ and the reaction of the Bolsheviks

Sectarianism and secession

25 May 2017

Programmatically weak politics only helped reinforce the CPGB’s ultimate sectarianism after its re-entry into the Labour Party in the late 1930s, writes Lawrence Parker

Crush the saboteurs

27 Apr 2017

Eddie Ford says that after June 8 Jeremy Corbyn must stay on to fight the right, not fall on his sword

‘All power to the soviets!’

20 Apr 2017

Did Lenin’s April theses mark a fundamental change in Bolshevik strategy? In this series of articles Lars T Lih demonstrates that this was not the case

Fight back - but for what?

02 Feb 2017

The left in Momentum is organising a ‘networking conference’ on March 11, writes Carla Roberts

Stay and fight the battle of ideas

19 Jan 2017

Despite widespread outrage over the Lansman coup, there is little appetite to split Momentum, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Contemptible document

12 Jan 2017

William Sarsfield of Labour Party Marxists looks at the new Lansman constitution

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