
Society & Culture > Anthropology

World-historic defeat of women

19 Apr 2012

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group examines myths about a supposed "primitive matriarchy"

Heritability - biological and social

03 Aug 2017

In the third article of a four-part series Mike Belbin discusses ‘inherent character’. Today this is no longer ascribed as racial, but is put down to a person’s genes

Racialism and eugenics

27 Jul 2017

In the second article in a four-part series Mike Belbin looks at the many and varied classifications of race

Born loser: is destiny biological?

20 Jul 2017

Did the notion of biological superiority bite the dust following the racism of the Nazis? In this first article in a four-part series, Mike Belbin traces the reformulation of an ancient idea of human character

Reclaim the heritage

09 Feb 2017

Rex Dunn concludes his exploration of Marx’s concept of the human

Marx’s concept of the human

26 Jan 2017

Rex Dunn begins his three-part exploration of Marx’s essentialism, the nature of the epoch, decline and transition

Overthrowing a false prophet

06 Oct 2016

Jack Conrad reviews: Chris Knight, 'Decoding Chomsky', Yale University Press 2016, pp285, £18.99

Two Noam Chomskys

01 Sep 2016

Chris Knight discusses his new book, where he contrasts Chomsky, the principled political activist, with Chomsky, the military researcher

Life of a heroic traitor

04 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan looks back at the extraordinary story of Roger Casement on the 100th anniversary of his execution

Missing from the story

07 Jul 2016

The story of prehistoric human communism was missing from the SWP's Marxism reports Stan Keable

Communism in living

09 Jun 2016

What can early human society teach us about the future? Camilla Power looks at the lessons of primitive communism

Origin of language lies in song

28 Jan 2016

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group examines one of science’s most intriguing unsolved problems. This is an edited transcript of a talk given to Communist University in August 2015

Humans, nature and dialectics

07 May 2015

Sadly Marxism must be defended against some who claim to be Marxists, or at least sympathetic to Marxism. Jack Conrad shows that this is especially the case when it comes to attacks on Frederick Engels and his work on the dialectics of nature

What can chimpanzees teach us about human nature?

05 Feb 2015

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group explores the relationship between sex, language and culture

Mission Mars and the final frontier

11 Dec 2014

The successful Orion flight has revived dreams of returning to the moon or even going straight to Mars. Yet, no matter how marvellous the technology, Jack Conrad warns that the left would be ill-advised to cheer on the project

Animal liberation and Marxism

23 Jan 2014

Maciej Zurowski attended the weekend school of the Assoziation Dämmerung in Hamburg and spoke to Susann Witt-Stahl, Christian Wittgen and Christin Bernhold

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