
Society & Culture > Anthropology

World-historic defeat of women

19 Apr 2012

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group examines myths about a supposed "primitive matriarchy"

Determinist regurgitation

07 Feb 2008

Simon Wells refutes the 'discovery' of political genes

Space, the final frontier?

08 Mar 2007

Going to the moon and space travel and are back in the news, writes Jack Conrad. But the left would be daft to fall for the sci-fi hype

Roots of modern morality

01 Mar 2007

Born into a wealthy family in Florence on May 3 1469, NiccolಠMachiavelli was educated in the classical tradition of his class. Later he developed close relations with the ruling elites both in Italy and other parts of Europe. He gained a profound insight into statecraft: how rulers rule. After the Medici family regained power in Florence in 1512, Machiavelli retired from political life and took up the pen. Most famous of all his books was The prince (Il principe) which was published five years after his death in 1527. It caused outrage amongst church circles and brought 'Machiavellian' into the popular lexicon - a pejorative term for one who deceives and manipulates others for personal gain. Gerry Downing seeks to put the record straight

Chomsky's parallel lives

25 Jan 2007

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group concludes his examination of a political enigma

US establishment anarchist

18 Jan 2007

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group continues his examination of the Chomsky enigma

The Chomsky enigma

11 Jan 2007

How is that a powerful critic of US imperialism has been regarded as a valued asset by the US military? In the first of three articles Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group begins his examination of the life and work of Noam Chomsky

Sex and the human revolution

23 Nov 2006

Socialist Worker has begun a series of articles by Sally Campbell. They purport to explain the origins of women's oppression. However, there exists an obvious lacuna in her account. If women became unfree, when and how did they become free? Camilla Power of the Radical Anthropology Group insists that sex played a big role in the human revolution - a taboo subject for the SWP

Solidarity and sex

31 Aug 2006

The first human revolution was led by women, argues Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group

The science of solidarity

03 Aug 2006

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group looks at the 'selfish gene' revolution - and draws some rather different conclusions from moralistic liberals


20 May 1999

Courtney Pine Band at the Liverpool Philharmonic

Enter the dragon

05 Dec 1996

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