Society & Culture > Anthropology
World-historic defeat of women
19 Apr 2012
Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group examines myths about a supposed "primitive matriarchy"
Anthropology: Luxemburg was right
21 Nov 2013
How do Rosa Luxemburgs ideas on primitive communism stand up today? This is an edited version of a speech given by Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group to this months Historical Materialism conference
Science and collaboration
17 Oct 2013
The standard model has been confirmed, writes Anthony Rose. But it is not only Peter Higgs who should be celebrated
Anthropology: Engels was right
12 Sep 2013
In April Sheila McGregors Marxism and womens oppression today was published in the Socialist Workers Partys International Socialism. The journal declined to carry this response from radical anthropologist and SWP member Lionel Sims
Elaine Morgan: Debt of gratitude
01 Aug 2013
Chris Knight remembers the woman who saw off the savanna hypothesis
Anthropology and women: Genetic evidence is richer than the stale party line
11 Jul 2013
Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group investigates the SWPs impoverished debate on the Marxist theory of womens oppression
Women and liberation: Is feminism a dirty word?
14 Mar 2013
What would Marx and Engels think of recent events in the SWP, RMT and across the British left? Camilla Power of the Radical Anthropology Group takes to task dinosaur Marxists for refusing to treat rape as a deeply political issue
Anthropology: Reclaiming the dragon
24 Jan 2013
What was primitive communism? Socialist Workers Party member Lionel Sims explores the meaning of the Eden myth and its significance for womens oppression
Drugs: Irrational war continues
20 Dec 2012
Nick Clegg is calling for a royal commission. Eddie Ford, on the other hand, demands immediate legalisation
Anthropology: Imperialist abuse of science
01 Nov 2012
Simon Wells reviews: David H Price, 'Weaponizing anthropology: social science in service of the militarized state', AK Press (Counterpunch series), 2011, £12, pp208
Supplement: Early human kinship was matrilineal
20 Sep 2012
Engels was right, says Chris Knight
World-historic defeat of women
19 Apr 2012
Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group examines myths about a supposed "primitive matriarchy"
Primitive communism, barbarism and the origins of class society
09 Feb 2012
Socialist Workers Party member Lionel Sims identifies both errors and the profound truths discovered by Engels in his 'Origins'
Science and the square wheel
26 Jan 2012
James Turley is not impressed by the resurfacing of 'male aggression' myths
Sex, symbolism and neanderthals
19 Jan 2012
Not only did the neanderthals interbreed with our ancestors. These close cousins help shed light on what it is to be human, argues Camilla Power of the Radical Anthropology Group
What made us human
22 Dec 2011
Simon Wells reviews Chris Stringer 'The origin of our species' Allen Lane, 2011, pp333,