Esen Uslu
Latest articles by Esen Uslu
Ending armed resistance
There is a new phase opening up along with new challenges. Esen Uslu explains the call for the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself in favour of ‘normal’ political activity
Hitting the jackpot?
Esen Uslu takes down Erdoğan’s fantasy that, after successfully backing HTS, he can determine the future of the region
Changing balance of forces
The new regime in Damascus is being widely celebrated, but continued internal power struggles and regional rivalries are likely to unleash yet more conflict and suffering, says Esen Uslu
Hypocrisy in action
Erdoğan speaks fire and fury. Meanwhile, despite the sanctions, it is business as usual. Esen Uslu looks at the relationship between Turkey and Israel
His movement lingers on
Widely presented in the west as a champion of ‘moderate’ Islam, within Turkey he was condemned as a terrorist. Esen Uslu looks at the life and times of Fethullah Gülen
First stumble on a slippery road
Esen Uslu discusses the possibility of a Turkish ‘peace process’ with the PKK and how to assess the suicide attack on the TIA factory in Ankara. With the US election and ongoing kaleidoscopic regional power struggles we should expect the unexpected
Slippery road ahead
Kurdish politics are hugely complex. Not only do they involve a dizzy range of parties, factions and interests: there are the regional power players too. Esen Uslu looks at the ever changing alliances and positions
Delight and rising hopes
Esen Uslu highlights the economics and politics behind the huge defeat suffered by Erdoğan’s electoral bloc and the opportunities that have opened up
Meanwhile the economic war
Ending the Black Sea grain corridor has put Erdoğan’s government under intense diplomatic pressure, writes Esen Uslu
King Brinkman in action
Erdoğan has run out of room for manoeuvre. Facing a major financial crisis, he had to accept Sweden’s Nato membership and pivot away from Moscow. Esen Uslu thinks there will be consequences, however
Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 4 5pm
Small choice between rotten apples
Though Erdoğan deserved to lose, the opposition did not deserve to win. Esen Uslu makes a call for the left to unite on a principled basis
Triumph of rabid nationalism
Erdoğan looks set to win the second round and a third term as president. Esen Uslu probes the May 14 results and the expected outcome of May 28
Hanging on a knife’s edge
Though the opposition appears to have a narrow lead ahead of this month’s general election, the regime has plenty of dirty tricks up its sleeve. Esen Uslu reports on Erdoğan-style campaigning
Erdoğan’s power play
Esen Uslu investigates the vote for Finland’s membership and then stonewalling over Sweden’s
Looming defeat for Erdoğan
Esen Uslu looks ahead to the coming election that pits the centre-right against the incumbent Islamist‑nationalist right. But what about the Kurds and the fractured left?
Faults and mirrors
The huge loss of life seen in the Turkey-Syria earthquakes can be directly traced back to the state’s bungled response, endemic corruption and clampdowns on the self-activity of progressive youth, writes Esen Uslu
Ours but to build and die
The horrendous devastation and thirty thousand deaths caused by the Turkey-Syria earthquake is also a symptom of social decay. Esen Uslu reports
Low stunts, high politics
In the run-up to the May elections, the provocations of anti-Muslim rightwingers have been a godsend for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu
Talking peace, preparing for war
Syria is not only still wrecked, but still divided. Esen Uslu reports on the tripartite negotiations and their significance
Ending the dynamic stalemate?
Militarily the war is unwinnable, so politics are vital. Esen Uslu calls for Öcalan’s line to be continued
Social murder at Ereğli
The 41 deaths at the state-owned mine were not inevitable, says Esen Uslu. No, they were victims of social murder
Walking a tightrope
Erdoğan’s sell-by date in the international arena has long passed, says Esen Uslu. But be warned - that is exactly why he will be looking to stoke up conflicts
Justifying a century of oppression
The centenary marking the end of the Greco-Turkish war in 1922 is part of the never-ending quest to establish a ‘viable’ nation. Esen Uslu recalls the horrific and continuing atrocities
Looking for a green light
We may be seeing an economic meltdown, says Esen Uslu, but there is no mass opposition movement and Erdoğan knows how to create domestic and foreign diversions
Game of fortunes
Erdoğan is trying to divert attention from his shambolic handling of the economy by picking all manner of foreign fights. Esen Uslu reports
Inflation and pauperisation
Inflation is soaring, along with chauvinist rhetoric. Things are not looking good for Erdoğan and Erdoğanomics, reports Esen Uslu
A bazaar mentality
Why is Erdoğan blocking Finland and Sweden from Nato membership? It is all about carpets and donkey dung, writes Esen Uslu
Craving expansion and annexation
While the western media has been dominated by the Ukraine war, it is virtually silent about Erdoğan’s ongoing military operations in Iraq and Syria, writes Esen Uslu
Fuelling the cauldron
Esen Uslu reports on the short-termist cuts in interest rates and the resulting inflation and political turmoil
Storm clouds gather
Foreign policy has already been affected by the nosediving lira, but, argues, Esen Uslu, there is also the distinct possibility of mass protests over prices and wages
Persona non grata
There are mounting tensions with the west and a rocky economy. Turkey’s president is facing challenging times, writes Esen Uslu
Unnatural disaster
A combination of scorching heat, greed and a warmongering government has resulted in widespread fires. Esen Uslu reports from Turkey
Accumulation of misery
The economy is in deep trouble. Poverty, inequality and personal debt are increasing. Esen Uslu urges the left to do more than blame Erdoğan’s hapless government
Death of an activist
The campaign to outlaw the Kurdish opposition involves all sorts of dirty tricks. Esen Uslu looks behind the most recent killing
Coalition in turmoil
Mired in corruption, pursuing costly foreign adventures and a tanking economy, Esen Uslu looks at the shambles
Hauled before courts of injustice
Against the background of continuing tensions in Syria and Iraq, Esen Uslu reports on the legal assault on the internal Kurdish opposition
Erdoğan tries to cheat unpopularity
Withdrawing from the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence is part of a desperate attempt to stitch together a winning election bloc. Esen Uslu reports
Handcuffed gates
Students are resisting the academic cronies imposed on them by the Erdoğan regime. Esen Uslu reports
Invest one, harvest three
Neo-Ottoman dreams cannot overcome imperialist realities, writes Esen Uslu
Long held ambitions
What’s behind the blazing row between Macron and Erdoğan? Esen Uslu explains the strategic overreach
More blood and tears
Esen Uslu looks at the increasing problems of the Erdoğan regime as it engages in yet more foreign adventures
Hitching ‘Holy wisdom’ to his war chariot
Esen Uslu highlights the strategic considerations that lie behind Erdoğan’s reconversion of Hagia Sophia
Corona days and clipped wings
Esen Uslu looks at the regime’s failures at home and adventures abroad
Two-way mirror of shame
Erdoğan’s regime is playing with the lives of innocent victims to both its east and west. Esen Uslu describes the shambles.
A new adventure
Esen Uslu discusses Erdoğan’s expansionism in the eastern Mediterranean and its recent intervention into the Libyan civil war.
Bloodstained sliver of sand
Everyone can see that Erdoğan’s military adventure has added to the chaos in Syria. But should the left in Turkey tail the Kurdish movement? Esen Uslu gives his opinion.
Erdoğan gets green light
Despite Trump’s objections, writes Esen Uslu, Turkey has been set strict limits on its intervention in Syria.
Main enemy is at home ... and abroad
Erdoğan’s attempts to crush the Kurds face constant frustration, reports Esen Uslu.
Poised to invade Rojava
Esen Uslu examines Erdoğan’s plans for establishing protectorates in Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq.
A vizier or a jester?
As Erdoğan plays the US off against Russia, Esen Uslu asks if his optimism is misplaced
Turkey’s arms industry is on a war footing - High-risk foreign adventures
Erdoğan has been engaging in lavish military spending despite the poor state of the economy, reports Esen Uslu
Major blow to Erdoğan
The repeat election for mayor of Istanbul was not just a case of déjà vu, writes Esen Uslu
What passes for democracy
Erdoğan is desperate to prevent the opposition from taking control in Istanbul, writes Esen Uslu
Expect the unexpected
A combination of working class discontent and Kurdish initiative produced a setback for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu. But that is not the end of the matter
Saudi hit is another godsend for Erdoğan
Esen Uslu looks at the cynical power play going on over the murdered Jamal Khashoggi
A vindictive and pitiless regime
The likes of Joe Robinson cannot be tolerated by Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Esen Uslu looks at the rival state interests involved in the struggle to control Idlib
Nurtured by the state
What lies behind the current crisis? Esen Uslu looks at the peculiar form of capitalist development in Turkey
Shameless hypocrisy
The coming crisis will be both political and economic, predicts Esen Uslu
An elected sultan
Erdoğan’s ‘fair and square’ election victory will not result in stability, writes Esen Uslu
Result may hinge on Kurds
How will Erdoğan respond, asks Esen Uslu, if he cannot get a majority?
Erdoğan’s election gamble
If, as seems possible, the AKP is defeated, writes Esen Uslu, will the president go quietly?
Good enough for the east
Why has Erdoğan called snap elections? Esen Uslu looks at his regime’s latest ‘democratic’ machinations
The struggle continues
After the surrender of Afrin, Esen Uslu says that the Turkish left and Kurdish movement must unite in opposition to Erdoğan
Conflicts on many fronts
Despite the popularity of Turkish actions in Syria, Cyprus and the Aegean, the ruling AKP is forced to seek allies at home, writes Esen Uslu
Turkish armed forces meet determined resistance
‘Operation Olive Branch’ has given rise to increased repression and an intense outburst of chauvinism, writes Esen Uslu
Extending an ‘olive branch’
What lies behind the incursion into Syria? Esen Uslu looks behind the headlines
Unbridled state power
Esen Uslu reports on the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt
Forced into action
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu decided on his ‘Justice’ march in response to the 25-year jail sentence imposed on Enis Berberoğlu, one of the CHP MPs for Istanbul.
Kemalists seize the moment
‘Justice’ march wrong-footed the mainstream left, writes Esen Uslu
A route out of paralysis
Is Turkey ‘on the road to fascism’? Such talk is utterly counterproductive, argues Esen Uslu
‘No’ - it’s not over yet!
The AKP government is in crisis following the rigged referendum. Esen Uslu reports
A watermen’s fight
Esen Uslu reports on the pandemonium created by Erdoğan in the run-up to next month’s referendum
All or nothing
Erdoğan is going for bust in an attempt to cling onto power, writes Esen Uslu
Economics of the madhouse
Despite the construction boom, things are not boding well for Erdoğan, writes Esen Uslu
Danger at home and abroad
War could be the AKP’s last card, writes Esen Uslu
Internal and external onslaught
Esen Uslu reports on the Erdoğan regime’s ongoing oppression, its Kurdish war and involvement in Syria
No let-up in purge
A grand national coalition is part of Erdoğan’s ‘godsent opportunity’, writes Esen Uslu
Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup
While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu
Bleak prospects for democracy
The latest atrocity once more draws attention to the fact that Turkey is at war, writes Esen Uslu
Stumbling towards collapse
In light of the latest moves against the media, Esen Uslu analyses the contending forces within the state apparatus
Principals and proxies
Ankara’s regional influence is under threat, writes Esen Uslu
Danger of escalation
Has Ankara overextended itself? Esen Uslu looks at the possible repercussions of the downing of the Russian Sukhoi 24
Rigged election of a sham democracy
Esen Uslu charts the AKP’s growing authoritarianism and the left’s disappointment
Blood on Erdoğan’s hands
The message delivered by the Ankara bombers is that this is just the beginning, writes Esen Uslu
Wrecking the peace process
Under the pretext of joining in the fight against IS, writes Esen Uslu, the Turkish state has unleashed a ferocious assault on the PKK
Solidarity targeted by IS bomber
The Suruç massacre marks a change in Turkish politics, writes Esen Uslu
Yellow union given the boot
Car workers say, ‘Enough is enough’. Esen Uslu reports on the mood of optimism
A hundred years of denial
Esen Uslu reports on the centenary of the Armenian genocide
A war that nobody wants to mention
No-one in Turkey wants to celebrate what happened in 1914-18, writes Esen Uslu. But when it comes to the glory days of the Ottoman empire things are different
Kurds left in limbo
The US has begun its bombing campaign in Syria
Turkey: No laughing matter
Amidst the gathering storms the deputy prime minister provides some light relief. Esen Uslu reports
Lack of democracy, lack of safety
Soma exposes the double brutality of Turkey’s crony capitalism, writes Esen Uslu