
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Sellout to Labour

10 Apr 1997

Cosmetic exercise

10 Apr 1997

Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Liverpool Docks Shop Stewards’ Committee, told us about the proposed labour supply company

Liverpool dockers set Morris straight

10 Apr 1997

The Liverpool dockers respond to Bill Morris’s article, ‘Setting the record straight’, published in the TGWU Record (February/March 1997)

Celebrating our struggles

03 Apr 1997

Hillingdon workers shake Pall Mall

27 Mar 1997

Unison officer suspended

27 Mar 1997

Liverpool Unison attacks victimisation of members fighting council cuts

Europe march for jobs

20 Mar 1997

Renault workers show the way

20 Mar 1997

For a workers' Europe!

Spotlight on Socialist Labour Action

20 Mar 1997

SLP: news and comment

Rail fight goes on

20 Mar 1997

Deserted strikers fight on

13 Mar 1997

Hillingdon Strikers Support Campaign calls all supporters to mass picket

Class not gender

06 Mar 1997

Doreen McNally is a founder member of Women of the Waterfront, set up to organise women in support of the Liverpool dockers. Her husband, Charlie, has worked on the docks for 29 years. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to her about their struggle and how working class women can be organised to fight back

More tube misery in the pipeline

06 Mar 1997

Colombian general strike

13 Feb 1997

Throwing the book at library workers

13 Feb 1997

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