
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Mounting the challenge to New Labour

13 Feb 1997

Mick Cullen, one of the sacked Merseyside dockers, is standing for the Socialist Labour Party in the Wirral South by-election on February 27. Peter Manson asked him about the SLP’s prospects

Oil workers set for confrontation

06 Feb 1997

The Worker-Communist Party of Iran discusses the development and significance of oil strikes in Iran

Massacre in Bolivia

06 Feb 1997

Summary of a report from Poder Obrero Bolivia

Union bureaucrats attacked

06 Feb 1997

Trades unions under siege

06 Feb 1997

Morris backs dockers’ co-op

06 Feb 1997

International day of action update

30 Jan 1997

VW-Audi embroiled in dockers’ dispute

30 Jan 1997

Workers in Britain still cannot match international solidarity

Strike reports

30 Jan 1997

[from the action column]

Halewood looks to dockers

30 Jan 1997

Government in retreat

23 Jan 1997

Taking on the state

Consolidate support

23 Jan 1997

Ford workers need European unity

23 Jan 1997

Liverpool: worldwide boycott grows

23 Jan 1997

Swedish dockers join the picket

A vision beyond capitalism

16 Jan 1997

As the Liverpool dockers prepared for an international day of action on Monday January 20, Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Liverpool Dockers Shops Stewards’ Committee and Socialist Labour Party member, about the need for working class political organisation

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