

Unison officer suspended

Liverpool Unison attacks victimisation of members fighting council cuts

Lol Duffy, chair of the Central Policy Unit Shop Stewards Committee and a Liverpool City Unison branch officer, was suspended last week. The official reason given for the suspension is that it will allow investigations to take place into allegations that “relate to your apparent involvement or participation in inappropriate activities, which may have incited direct action against elected members of the local authority.”

The actual reason for the suspension is that a leaflet (see below) was produced and distributed to the neighbours of leading Labour councillors about the cuts they were proposing to make at the March 5 budget meeting.

Unison members in the Central Policy Unit walked out on strike immediately the decision to suspend Lol was taken, and a delegation of branch officers, shop stewards and lay members went to the Labour group offices to demand the lifting of the suspension. The Labour group refused to meet the delegation.

Liverpool City Unison has a clear position in opposition to the victimisation of any Unison member and we will be acting on that over the next few days.

Toni Ogunsiji, speaking on behalf of the Unison branch officers, said:

“This is a clear case of victimisation of one of our leading shop stewards and we are not prepared to accept it. We will be calling meetings over the next few days to give Lol and the CPU Unison members our full support.

“It is an absolute disgrace that on the same day that the Labour council declared 300 redundancies in the Direct Service Organisation they are attempting to victimise one of our officers for letting the people of Liverpool know what the council planned to cut. Any activities that Lol has been involved with against the cuts has been agreed by the branch and by meetings of JTUC.”

A meeting of CPU Unison members, branch officers and shop stewards will take place at Age Concern, Sir Thomas Street at 9.30 am on March 20.

Neighbours, Everybody needs ...

“How would you feel if:

• One of your neighbours runs an organisation that is closing down old people’s homes because they weren’t ‘viable’?

• One of your neighbours runs an organisation that is planning to sack about 500 people in the next three months?

• One of your neighbours runs an organisation that is planning to close your children’s nurseries while spending £20,000 on their own childcare provision?

• One of your neighbours runs an organisation that is planning to cut its workers’ wages and cut payments to those off work ill at the same time as paying themselves more?

• One of your neighbours plans to take money off you for the provision of a service and then cut that service?

Well, you do have a neighbour doing just that and their name is (Name of councillor and address).

We are telling you this because we are concerned that they are making these attacks on services and jobs because people are staying silent. Let them know what you think - it’s your democratic right. Make your voice heard.

Liverpool City Unison branch policy

“This meeting reiterates full support and backing by the branch for any member facing victimisation or intimidation resulting from action taken in support of the campaign against council cuts.

“Further, this meeting condemns the threat by Liverpool city council of withdrawing from negotiations with the trade unions and the proposed disciplinary action against members regarding the distribution of leaflets outlining the cuts being made by the city council.

“The only conclusion that can be drawn from this action is that those city councillors protesting against the content of this leaflet are afraid to be publicly identified with the policies they have proposed and the effects upon our members and the city as a whole.

“This branch offers no apology for the content and distribution of the leaflet, and instructs branch officers to oppose any attempt to retract the statements made therein, at whatever level”.