
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Cloth crap?

10 Nov 2005

Lawrence Parker confesses to liking Trinny and Susannah's TV programme What not to wear

State of emergency against youth revolt

10 Nov 2005

While France explodes, the left pontificates. Peter Manson exposes the narrow-mindedness of economism

Working class unity - not multiculturalism

27 Oct 2005

The rioting that broke out in the Lozells area of Birmingham over the weekend of October 22-23 offers a disturbing insight into the fragmented nature of many working class communities in this country - and the pathetically inadequate response of the left. Eddie Ford reports

Why did they do it?

28 Jul 2005

Eddie Ford examines the motivation of the London bombers - who were neither simply 'mad' or 'evil', nor can the war on Iraq explain their actions

End the drugs war

19 May 2005

The established parties continue to criminalise millions of casual drug-users and unfortunately, Respect does not stand out of the crowd. Dominic Smith instead calls for the legalisation of all drugs

Women only and class

07 Oct 2004

Women's liberation is not only a task for women, writes Elaine Harrison - and argues against women-only organisations

Fight for a red planet

15 Jul 2004

Eddie Ford takes issue with deep ecology, biocentrism, Giain consciousness and eco-theology

Fighting for assimilation

15 Apr 2004

Are anti-racists automatically also multiculturalists? Eddie Ford thinks not

Send the right message - legalise all drugs!

05 Feb 2004

Eddie Ford on the downgrading of cannabis to a 'Class C' drug, and the attitude of communists

Surfing the Red Planet

05 Feb 2004

Phil Hamilton reckons that we'd be better of making Earth a red planet than travelling to the other, more distant, one

Ways to protest

29 Jan 2004

Blair is obsessed with introducing tution fees, writes Phil Hamilton

Education for all, not the few

29 Jan 2004

Ben Lewis on the need for a united communist party for an effective fightback against the neo-liberalisation of education

Face up to the fight

22 Jan 2004

John Hutnyk reviews: Tariq Mehmood, 'While there is light', Manchester, 2003, Comma Press, pp220, £7.95

In their own words

22 Jan 2004

Doaa Al-Rani (19) took a leading role in the protests. Though not an MAB member, she led the chanting, rallying a group of women around her

Hijab: the protests ...

22 Jan 2004

Though we are critical, the OFWI still deserves the support of all socialists for its political opposition to the oppression of women through the imposition of sharia law in Iraq, says Manny Neira

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