
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Are you sitting uncomfortably?

15 Jan 2004

Zoà Simon reviews: Peter Hall (director), 'Happy days', by Samuel Beckett, The Arts Theatre

Unsure what to think

15 Jan 2004

Alliance for Workers' Liberty sits on the fence

Fantasy and extermination

15 Jan 2004

Jem jones reviews: Peter Jackson (director), JR Tolkien, 'The lord of the rings - Return of the king', general release

Memorabilia, not analysis

15 Jan 2004

James Bull reviews: Reds! exhibition, People's History Museum, Manchester

Back to the future

15 Jan 2004

Blair is looking increasingly unstable and is on the right track to alienate all but his most ardent acolytes, says Phil Hamilton

Mission Earth

15 Jan 2004

George W Bush is reportedly going to use his 'state of the nation' address on January 28 to announce plans to establish a permanently manned base on the moon some time over the next eight to 15 years, but what about the Earth? Jack Conrad takes apart the lunar madness

Jacques Chirac's Lutte Ouvri�re policemen

08 Jan 2004

'Marxists' front for the oppressors of Muslims, writes Peter Manson

Thirteen questions

08 Jan 2004

Zoà Simon reviews: Catherine Hardwicke (director), Thirteen general release

Radical christianity and social resistance

18 Dec 2003

The CPGB's Communist University 2003 was addressed by Ray Gaston, vicar of All Hallows church, Leeds, and a member of the Socialist Alliance. This is an edited version of his speech

Power to change the real world

18 Dec 2003

Jem Jones looks at sci-fi and fantasy

Political small beer

18 Dec 2003

Around the web: Campaign for Real Ale

Headscarves and the secularism of fools

18 Dec 2003

Under the guise of defending secularism in education, the French establishment is launching a cynical attack on muslims, young muslim women in particular, which, not accidentally, also strikes at the basic freedom of all.

Bible myths and modern Israel

18 Dec 2003

Jack Conrad looks at archaeological wars and bible myths

Selective hearing

11 Dec 2003

Around the web: Labour Party

Women's rights, political islam and secularism

04 Dec 2003

Radical Iranian writer Chahla Chafiq shared a platform with Salma Yaqoob at last month's European Social Forum. The two sharply disagreed over the role of islam in politics. Afterwards she spoke to Peter Manson

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