
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

SWP 'racism' fig leaf

23 Feb 2006

The furore following the Danish cartoons has not subsided, writes Peter Manson. But the position of many islamic groups - backed up by the Socialist Workers Party - plays into the hands of islamophobes

Rebranding exercise

16 Feb 2006

What is the content behind the image? Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group recommends 'Arise'

Occupation and oppression

09 Feb 2006

Carey Davies reviews Romans in Britain, which has again been subject to religious criticism. Crucible Theatre, Sheffield (ends Saturday February 25)

Cuckoos in the nest

09 Feb 2006

The Campaign Against Climate Change looks set to grow in 2006, writes John Downes. But where is it going programmatically?

Two tales of child abuse

02 Feb 2006

Don Williamson reviews BBC's When Satan came to town, an unsettling documentary about social workers obsessed with the idea that a whole working class estate in Rochdale was experiencing ritual satanic child abuse

A caring Zionism

02 Feb 2006

Carey Davies reviews Steven Spielberg's Munich

Revisiting colonial horrors

02 Feb 2006

Louise Whittle reviews Michael Haneke's stunning new film Hidden

No champion of the oppressed

02 Feb 2006

Socialists should not celebrate Hamas's victory in the Palestinian elections. Women and secular forces will very likely be the first to suffer, says Katherine Quinn

What's principle got to do with it?

02 Feb 2006

At the 'Defy section 9' conference in Manchester, the comrades from the SWP again tried to prevent the meeting from taking principled positions on the question of immigration, reports Dave Isaacson

Tragedy, hoaxes and Zionism

26 Jan 2006

Norman Finkelstein Beyond chutzpah: on the misuse of anti-semitism and the abuse of history Verso 2005, £16.99, pp332

Trouble on the beach

26 Jan 2006

A month after race riots in Sydney, Marcus Ström points to a crisis in official multiculturalism in Australia

Class struggle in the house

26 Jan 2006

Dave Craig assesses George Galloway's three weeks of 'reality' TV

Prometheanism and nature

19 Jan 2006

Technological Prometheanism and capitalism's profit-driven degradation of nature: Jack Conrad puts the case for revolutionary Prometheanism and sustainability

Victims and victimisers

19 Jan 2006

Eddie Ford takes a look at the latest round of hysteria over 'nonces' and 'perverts' in the educational system

Domination theology

12 Jan 2006

Paul Greenaway reviews Richard Dawkins's The root of all evil? (Channel 4, Monday January 9 and 16, 8pm)

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