
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Sex, symbolism and neanderthals

19 Jan 2012

Not only did the neanderthals interbreed with our ancestors. These close cousins help shed light on what it is to be human, argues Camilla Power of the Radical Anthropology Group

Islamists courted by imperialists

19 Jan 2012

The Muslim Brotherhood has shown itself to be the biggest political force. Meanwhile the left is under attack. Yassamine Mather gives her impressions following a recent visit to Egypt

Tory glee and political fantasy

19 Jan 2012

David Douglass reviews Phyllida Lloyd (director) 'The iron lady' 2011, general release

A load of old balls

12 Jan 2012

Racism persists in society - but, as recent scandals show, serious analysis has been replaced by moral hysteria, argues James Turley

The other worlds of sci-fi and fantasy

22 Dec 2011

How do science-fiction and fantasy help us understand reality? James Turley investigates

What kind of commitment?

22 Dec 2011

Mike Belbin takes a look at the life of Christopher Hitchens, 1949-2011

What made us human

22 Dec 2011

Simon Wells reviews Chris Stringer 'The origin of our species' Allen Lane, 2011, pp333,

Cameron in the court of King James

22 Dec 2011

The prime minister's speech on the King James Bible ticks every reactionary box going, argues James Turley

Education, not exam culture

15 Dec 2011

Education targets become ends in themselves, argues Michael Copestake

Keep quiet and drive

08 Dec 2011

There have been calls for Jeremy Clarkson to be sacked and hauled before the courts for his 'shoot the strikers' tirade. Harley Filben disagrees

Nothing to contribute

01 Dec 2011

The Durban conference on climate change is likely to be even more useless than its predecessors - James Turley argues it is time to serve notice on capital's stewardship of the environment

Love, mud and misery in Yorkshire

17 Nov 2011

Jim Moody reviews Andrea Arnold's (director) 'Wuthering Heights' 2011, general release

Political naives and coffee cobblers

03 Nov 2011

Jim Moody concludes his review of this year's London Film Festival

Waking the dead

03 Nov 2011

A Tory MEP has attracted derision for his loopy beliefs in the paranormal - but he is merely the tip of an iceberg of absurd mumbo-jumbo, argues James Turley

Living in the end times

27 Oct 2011

Ben Lewis reviews Lars von Trier's Melancholia (Nordisk Films, 2011, general release)

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