
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Antifa, nationalism and democracy

26 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski interviews Freerk Huisken - until his recent retirement a lecturer at the University of Bremen - about his new book

World-historic defeat of women

19 Apr 2012

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group examines myths about a supposed "primitive matriarchy"

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

Sport solidarity, not Sport relief

29 Mar 2012

Sarah McDonald and other comrades will be running the Vienna marathon to raise money for Iranian Workers, here she explains why you should show support

Rowan Williams quits before next great schism happens

22 Mar 2012

Eddie Ford demands the immediate disestablishment of the Church of England

Police try to stop anti-fascist book launch

22 Mar 2012

Despite the clearly political intervention of the police, cowardly Quakers, and a handful of EDL youth, there was no stopping Tony Greensteins book launch in Brighton.

Eric Pickles puts in the knife

15 Mar 2012

Communists reject a British identity based on the crown and the imperial past, writes Eddie Ford

Secularism is hostile to state religion, not religion

23 Feb 2012

Separation of church and state is a basic democratic demand bitterly resisted by the British establishment, writes Eddie Ford

The function of Dickens

23 Feb 2012

The English literary establishment fully mobilised for the Charles Dickens bicentenary. But, wonders Harley Filben, why is it so in need of heroes?

Primitive communism, barbarism and the origins of class society

09 Feb 2012

Socialist Workers Party member Lionel Sims identifies both errors and the profound truths discovered by Engels in his 'Origins'

Forgotten heroism

09 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Jonathan Symcox, 'The 1984-1985 miners strike in Nottingham: if spirits alone won battles - the diary of John Lowe' Pen and Sword Books, 2011, pp176,

Choose your conspiracy

02 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Robert Green's A thorn in their side: the Hilda Murrell murder Rata Books, 2011, pp208,

Normalised duplicity

02 Feb 2012

Yassamine Mather reviews new film A separation, directed by Asghar Farhadi, on general release.

Science and the square wheel

26 Jan 2012

James Turley is not impressed by the resurfacing of 'male aggression' myths

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