
Society & Culture > Reviews

The Party's not over yet

11 May 1995

Mark Fischer reviews 'Enemy within: The rise and fall of the British Communist Party' by Francis Beckett

Nationalist road?

20 Apr 1995

Steve Riley reviews ‘The Downing Street Declaration - new unionism and the communities of resistance’ by the Republican Workers Tendency

Gump award hype

13 Apr 1995

John Bayliss reviews 'Forrest Gump'

Shocking massacre

30 Mar 1995

Danny Hammill reviews the film 'La Reine Margot', directed by Patrice Chereau

Bang up to date

19 Jan 1995

Ian Farrell reviews 'The Origin of the Universe' by John D Barrow

Politics and poetics

15 Dec 1994

Lisa Stein reviews 'Slavs!', written by Tony Kushner and directed by Matthew Lloyd

Faction in exile

15 Dec 1994

Gary Salisbury reviews 'Democracy and the SWP' by British and German IS Groups

A fact of the 1990s culture

15 Dec 1994

Steve Kay reviews Quentin Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction'

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