
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Socialism and the national question

17 Jan 2019

Genuine liberation for Palestinians and Israelis alike must be seen in the context of an Arab and global revolution, argues David Markovich

Weighing up the midterms

27 Sep 2018

Democrats are set to make gains, says Peter Moody. But will they be big enough to fatally wound Donald Trump?

The Firm reinvents itself

24 May 2018

The royal wedding was used to present the monarchy and the entire establishment as modern, progressive ... and anti-racist, writes Eddie Ford

The royal wedding and platonic republicanism

17 May 2018

Eddie Ford thinks the left, and Jeremy Corbyn, should take the monarchy seriously

No way back to normality

19 Apr 2018

The Stormy Daniels affair is more threatening to Trump than it might appear, writes Paul Demarty

Democracy, not referendums

19 Apr 2018

Jack Conrad advocates working class representatives, working class party politics and the working class programme of extreme democracy

Pulling the handbrake

12 Apr 2018

How revolutionary were the bourgeois revolutions? Neil Davidson spoke to Communist University about the lessons for today

After Formby’s election

22 Mar 2018

In light of the new incoming regime at party HQ, Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports on objections to Jon Lansman’s slate

Against a second referendum

08 Mar 2018

Some on the ‘left’ insist on tailing John Major and Tony Blair and their call for a second referendum. However, argues Jack Conrad, Marxists are right to distrust referendums as a method of political decision-making. We champion working class political independence and representative democracy

Arms and the man

01 Mar 2018

The question of gun control is not as straightforward as it may appear, writes Mike Macnair

Misrepresenting the people

15 Feb 2018

Paul Demarty wonders what is left out of the centenary celebrations for the Representation of the People Act

End the witch hunt

25 Jan 2018

Stan Keable, secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt, reports on a successful lobby of Labour’s NEC

Trebles all round

23 Mar 2017

George Osborne’s appointment as Evening Standard editor is a textbook illustration of establishment corruption, argues Paul Demarty

All or nothing

09 Mar 2017

Erdoğan is going for bust in an attempt to cling onto power, writes Esen Uslu

Put not your trust in judges

16 Feb 2017

The fall of Michael Flynn involved not litigation, but threats of prosecution. But, if Trump is in fact brought down by the same scandal, it will not be leftwing litigation that does it, but the creation of a cross-party and inter-bureaucratic political coalition. And the result, if so, argues Howe Cheatem, will be president Pence and a new and rapid war drive

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