
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Decline and decay

30 Sep 2021

Mike Macnair shows that the post-1945 and post-1976 global ascendancy of US-style constitutionalism is at the core of the current liberal impasse

Enlightened constitutions

23 Sep 2021

Mike Macnair shows that the US constitution modernised the English constitution - no monarch, no hereditary peers, no state church - but made the interests of capital more secure against the lower orders

No reliance on Good Friday

29 Apr 2021

As shown by the resignation of Arlene Foster, unionism is in profound crisis. But can the left take the lead and build working class unity? Anne McShane reports on the Conference for an Alternative United Ireland

Death by numbers

22 Apr 2021

Instead of treating the monarchy merely as a quaint feudal relic, the left needs a much sharper critique, argues Paul Demarty

King and queen of America

18 Mar 2021

The royal family’s falling out illustrates the inherent authoritarianism of all bourgeois politics - monarchical or liberal, argues Paul Demarty

Racism and The Firm

11 Mar 2021

Arguably the royal family is facing the most serious crisis since the death of Diana Spencer, writes Eddie Ford

The afterlife of Bobby Sands

11 Mar 2021

Glowing leftwing tributes to the hunger-striker contrast markedly to the prevailing attitude 40 years ago. Paul Demarty looks at the modern-day paradoxes

A central driver

04 Mar 2021

The unchanging constitution no longer ensures stability: quite the reverse. As shown by the January 6 attempted coup, it brings instability. Daniel Lazare defends his long held position

Old regime is cracking apart

28 Jan 2021

Not a Tudor but a Whig republic. Bradley Mayer sees change coming sooner than many expect

A conservative revolution

14 Jan 2021

National sovereignty crystalised Gaelicism and late Victorian mores. Marc Mulholland argues, in his second article, that there was no transformation of popular consciousness

Shared island or democratic republic?

24 Sep 2020

Sinn Féin is relying on demographics and opposition to Brexit. James Harvey gives his take on the reunification debate

Tarnishing the brand

16 Jan 2020

While Labour leadership candidates pathetically line up to defend Harry and Meghan Windsor in the name of anti-racism and anti-sexism, Eddie Ford says it’s time to put republicanism back onto the agenda.

Preparing the ground for repression

09 Jan 2020

Further scares about anti-Semitism are signs of the times, reckons Paul Demarty

Cancel the monarchy

22 Nov 2019

Andrew Windsor’s bizarre Newsnight interview should strengthen our resolve to fight for a democratic republic, argues Paul Demarty.

Recalling Magna Carta

14 Feb 2019

The battle between the Telegraph and Sir Philip Green has interesting implications for the class struggle, writes Mike Macnair

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