Democracy & State > Republican democracy
Republicanism and the form of working class rule
31 May 2012
As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition
Constitution for a democratic republic
18 Apr 1996
Following the SLP national meeting on March 2 debates have continued on a number of the policy meetings and documents presented. The ‘Republican Constitution’ working group document reproduced below is a result of those debates and will be presented to the May 4 launch conference
Against republicanism
28 Mar 1996
Paul Cockshot replies to ‘Revolutionary republicanism’ (Weekly Worker February 29) by Dave Craig of the RDG
Eleanor the Fenian
14 Mar 1996
‘If not with a bullet ...’
14 Mar 1996
The recent controversy between the Communist Party majority and one of its supporters branches over the thorny question of Ireland poses important questions. Here Ian Mahoney answers some of the most common objections raised against our support for the liberation struggle of the republican forces in the north of Ireland.
Abolish the monarchy
07 Mar 1996
The Labour Party is too scared to even criticise the monarchy, let alone abolish it. Only revolutionaries can lead the fight for real democracy
Revolutionary republicanism
29 Feb 1996
Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) challenges Paul Cockshott's understanding of the democratic revolution
Against conservatism
25 Jan 1996
Debate continues after aggregate
07 Dec 1995
CPGB aggregate meeting passes Perspectives for 1996
Second-best prescription
23 Nov 1995
Reality behind fairytale family
23 Nov 1995
It is hard to conceive how Di’s wish for a more down to earth monarchy could ever come about when her interview emphasised just what an artificial and inhuman institution it is. Nevertheless the establishment will do all it can to make sure it survives
What kind of party for Ireland?
16 Nov 1995
Peter Manson talked to Kevin McQuillan, a former leader of the Irish Republican Socialist Party and now in the Liam Mellowes Society
Queen puts the boot in
16 Nov 1995
This week the queen told us to bow down and accept more attacks on our living standards and rights - more power to landlords, MI5 and the police. Of course, the queen is above politics and knows best ...
British ‘peace’ condemned
09 Nov 1995
Unity and democracy
14 Sep 1995
Chris Jones from the RDG
Breaking down the barriers to unity
31 Aug 1995
Is a federal republic the way forward? Here we present two more contributions to the debate