
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Contemptible document

12 Jan 2017

William Sarsfield of Labour Party Marxists looks at the new Lansman constitution

Reduced to a corpse?

12 Jan 2017

We knew it was coming, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists, but the sheer cynicism of Jon Lansman’s coup is staggering

A false narrative

15 Dec 2016

The current Momentum crisis has nothing to do with age, Trotsky or even the voting method to be used at conference, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. It is about who controls Momentum and for what political ends

Not a private matter

24 Nov 2016

Instead of ducking the question, writes Eddie Ford, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell should be fighting for republican democracy

Banned motion

17 Nov 2016

Motion banned by the Labour Party prefaced by complaint about the decision

A party, within a party, within ...

10 Nov 2016

Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists reports from the November 5 meeting of members of the Momentum national committee

Same old ephemeral new

10 Nov 2016

Paul Mason may now be championing ‘consensus democracy’, but its failings have long been established, writes Mick Last of the Labour Party Marxists

The enigma of Kautsky

03 Nov 2016

Karl Kautsky saw the wage-earning working class as the social power that would bring about the end of capitalism, writes Marc Mulholland. But he refused to romanticise the proletariat

How to win

29 Sep 2016

Jeremy Corbyn’s triumph was predictable. So were the olive branches waved about from both sides. However, says James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists, the civil war will continue till one side or the other wins

We need a brand new clause four

22 Sep 2016

The battle with the right is sure to intensify after Corbyn’s re-election. As part of that battle James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists calls for the adoption of new principles

Lexiteers all at sea

15 Sep 2016

Both the Morning Star’s CPB and SPEW advocate immigration controls and socialism in one country, notes Mike Macnair

After Corbyn’s second victory

15 Sep 2016

The failed coup presents the left with an unparalleled historic opportunity. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists outlines a programme of immediate tasks and long-term strategic goals

How to deselect your MP

08 Sep 2016

Carla Roberts looks at the rules, past and present

Make it mandatory

08 Sep 2016

Carla Roberts reviews: David Osland's 'How to select or reselect your MP', Spokesman Books, 2016, pp16, £4

End the bans and proscriptions

01 Sep 2016

Once the Labour Party was characterised by tolerance and inclusion, all working class organisations were welcome - no longer. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists explores the history

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