
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Sources, streams and confluence

25 Aug 2016

Ben Lewis offers some thoughts on the origins of democratic centralism

Scorched earth litigation

04 Aug 2016

The right’s implausible and not so implausible legal threats have a purpose, writes Mike Macnair

Unique and historic opportunity

28 Jul 2016

There is no reason to be pessimistic about the struggle in the Labour Party. Peter Manson replies to Ian Birchall

Time for Corbyn to speak out

21 Jul 2016

What does the right do when it loses an election? It voids the result! Tony Greenstein reports on the suspension of the largest local Labour unit

Which side are you on?

21 Jul 2016

Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain willing to be an ally of the Labour thought police, asks Dave Lynch

No safe spaces for traitors

21 Jul 2016

Jeremy Corbyn not only faces the nonentity, Owen Smith, but a legal challenge in the high court. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists says the left must toughen up

Don’t rely on the courts

14 Jul 2016

Mike Macnair considers the likelihood of a legal challenge to Labour’s NEC

Our strategy and tactics

16 Jun 2016

Jack Conrad looks at the referendum - and beyond that to the challenge of continental unity

A continent of the mind

19 May 2016

Jack Conrad shows that the European Union has been shaped not only by rival state powers, but by class politics too

Without monarchies or standing armies

12 May 2016

Jack Conrad explores Leon Trotsky’s strategic thinking

A highly serviceable political weapon

05 May 2016

Jack Conrad discusses Lenin and the ‘United States of Europe’ slogan

A missed opportunity

28 Apr 2016

Eddie Ford laments the republican speech Jeremy Corbyn did not make

Openness is a weapon

21 Apr 2016

The Weekly Worker’s commitment to open reporting on the affairs of the labour movement is not a fetish, but a political necessity, argues Paul Demarty

One, two, three revolutions

21 Apr 2016

Jack Conrad argues that democracy in the United States is corrupted and far from complete. The working class must finish what 1775 began

The in-out kabuki dance

14 Apr 2016

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists says a passive boycott is not as good as an active boycott. But it is far better than participating in Stronger in Europe

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