
CPGB News > Reports

Labour’s big idea: Scrap welfare

07 May 1996

After the local elections Labour was back in the headlines in the form of Gordon Brown and Chris Smith. But have they provided the big idea everyone is looking for to challenge the Tories?

Europe amendment

02 May 1996

Pre-empting conference

02 May 1996

Why so shy?

02 May 1996

Thousands of revolutionary workers from Turkey and Kurdistan took to the streets for the London May Day march

Green shoots of communism

02 May 1996

Party notes

International support there to be won

25 Apr 1996

The seven-month Liverpool dockers’ dispute has gained strength from international solidarity action. This week they are awaiting news from workers in the US, who are putting pressure on ACL, the biggest company that uses the port, to pull out. This would be a major breakthrough for the dockers. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Terry Teague, one of the dockers’ shop stewards, about how this international solidarity can be built on and generalised for the workers’ movement as a whole

Another step forward

25 Apr 1996

On the offensive

25 Apr 1996

Communist University ‘96

25 Apr 1996

Party notes

NUT votes for democracy

18 Apr 1996

Brent Unison’s struggle

18 Apr 1996

SLP constitution in limbo

18 Apr 1996

SLP candidates on May 2

18 Apr 1996

Left and right in Manchester

18 Apr 1996

Organised chaos

18 Apr 1996

Party notes

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