
CPGB News > Reports

Picking up speed

23 May 1996

Councillor’s struggle for change

23 May 1996

Peter Clee is a full-time worker at Wallasey Unemployed Centre on Merseyside and has recently been re-elected as Labour councillor for Seacombe ward with one of the biggest majorities in the North-West. Peter Manson spoke to him

Leaders and led

23 May 1996

Party notes

Socialist Labour’s founding conference: A republican party is born

16 May 1996

Dave Craig of the RDG reports on the struggle between the republicans and the Fourth Internationalists

Balloting for action

16 May 1996

The main danger

16 May 1996

Party notes

Letters between parting OP comrades and the PCC

07 May 1996

Open Polemic runs away

07 May 1996

We call them back. The rapprochement process should not be jeopardised lightly

Balance of forces

07 May 1996

Summer Offensive launch

Party to be won for revolution

07 May 1996

The Socialist Labour Party founding conference marked a bold move away from the Labour Party and towards the independent working class organisation we need. So what sort of party is the SLP?

Significant silences

07 May 1996

Around the left

Turkish powder keg

07 May 1996

May Day staying alive

07 May 1996

Eastern Europe

Merseyside firefighters ballot on Acas deal

07 May 1996

Freedom to criticise

07 May 1996

Party notes

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