

Coordination of general strikes

Resolution of Poder Obrero (Workers Power, Bolivia) and Socialist Labour Party (Paraguay)

The indefinite general strike that is taking place in Bolivia and the 48-hour general strike convened for May 2 and 3 in Paraguay have the same enemy: the IMF and its plans for privatisations and adjustments.

The Socialist Labour Party of Paraguay and Workers Power of Bolivia have decided to launch a combined campaign for the defence and coordination of both fights...

These movements are the vanguard of mass resistance in the continent. We have to fight for its victory and to combat all measures of repression (including a probable state of siege or coup) and the appeasement of the labour bureaucracies ...

We call on the unions in Bolivia and Paraguay to meet, coordinate and to convene the rest of the continental union organisations with the task of launching a continental fight to cancel the foreign debt and break with the IMF!

For the defence of the public companies and the renationalisation of the privatised companies under workers’ control!