
CPGB News > Reports

Sober assessment, yes. Liquidationism, no

13 Nov 1997

There are differences on more than the September 11 referendum

Pep-talk or conference?

13 Nov 1997

Same old crap

13 Nov 1997

Party notes

SLP calls union activist conference

06 Nov 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Party notes

06 Nov 1997

Upholding the banner of Stalin

30 Oct 1997

Scargill comes out of the closet

Party notes

30 Oct 1997

Phantom Socialist Labour

23 Oct 1997

Cracks begin to open up

23 Oct 1997

Socialist Party conference

Party notes

23 Oct 1997

Vote of thanks

23 Oct 1997

Hands off my ‘constitution’!

16 Oct 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Open challenge to Taaffe

16 Oct 1997

Earlier this year five - ultra-economistic - members of Labor Militant (sister organisation of the Socialist Party) were expelled from the US group, whose leadership was acting in concert with the International Secretariat of the Committee for a Workers International. The expelled members included John Reiman and a leading comrade referred to as SO’T. Here we publish an extract from the US minority document, The expulsions, which calls on CWI supporters to fight for what they understand as genuine democratic centralism

Socialist Labour Party and China

16 Oct 1997

An exchange of letters has taken place in the SLP over an article by ‘Don Hoskins’ in Socialist News (September/October), praising the regime in China (see Weekly Worker September 11). Clearly the SLP is riven with deep ideological contradictions. Perhaps China will result in meltdown

Manchester Alliance debates Scotland

16 Oct 1997

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