
CPGB News > Reports

SLP Democratic Platform

18 Dec 1997

Statement issued prior to the congress

SLP National Executive Committee - election results

18 Dec 1997

SLP balance of forces

18 Dec 1997

Black section uproar

18 Dec 1997

Peter Manson reports on the SLP congress

Royston’s day fails to dawn

18 Dec 1997

Tatchell outraged at homophobia in SLP

18 Dec 1997

A delegate’s view

18 Dec 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

For a revolution in the SLP!

18 Dec 1997

Party notes

Message to SLP members

18 Dec 1997

Agreed statement of 57 congress delegates and observers

Three men, 3,000 votes

18 Dec 1997

Delegates at the December 13-14 congress of the Socialist Labour Party in London's Conway Hall were stunned to learn that they were powerless to change the party’s policies or constitution. The block vote of a single trade union affiliate swamped those of 114 Constituency SLPs

German students streik

11 Dec 1997

STUC shuns dockers

27 Nov 1997


27 Nov 1997

Party notes

SSA fudges on Ireland

20 Nov 1997

‘Bugger it’?

20 Nov 1997

Party notes

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