
CPGB News > Reports

Delivering the masses

07 May 1998

In the second of three articles on South Africa Peter Manson looks at the role of the South African Communist Party

Pooling our strength

07 May 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the May 3 London Socialist Alliance election meeting

Rosser removed

30 Apr 1998

Factional war rumbles on

Strengthening the cause

23 Apr 1998

Party notes

With or without the TUC

16 Apr 1998

Simon Harvey of the SLP

Making a mass impact

09 Apr 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the April 7 meeting of the London Socialist Alliance, where it discussed which position to take on Blair’s May 7 rigged referendum

Challenging the Union

02 Apr 1998

SLP republican communist Jan Berryman evaluates the Reclaim Our Rights conference

Indefinite strike at Star

05 Mar 1998

Sacking the editor threatens demise of ‘daily paper of the left’

Towards the Daily Worker

05 Mar 1998

Party notes

Morning Star strike begins

26 Feb 1998

Revolutionary democracy

12 Feb 1998

This, as amended, was agreed at the first aggregate meeting of the Revolutionary Democratic Communist Tendency

Openness and organisation

12 Feb 1998

The January 31 aggregate reunited the ranks of CPGB members

Socialist Alliances and rapprochement

12 Feb 1998

Party notes

Morning Star readers in the dark

12 Feb 1998

London Left Unity

12 Feb 1998

Last week’s launch of the all-London Socialist Alliance signals the start of a real fightback against Blair

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