
CPGB News > Reports

Draft statement

18 Sep 1997

Draft statement to the National Council of the Scottish Socialist Alliance on misleading and false statements about the SSA which have been circulated by the CPGB/Weekly Worker

Creating space for communist politics

18 Sep 1997

Anne Murphy discusses the work of the CPGB in Scotland and reviews the debate at last week’s Communist Party aggregate

China, Scargill and ‘Don Hoskins’

18 Sep 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

No debate at TUC

18 Sep 1997

Joe Marino, general secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union and a member of the Socialist Labour Party, spoke to the Weekly Worker about last week’s Trade Union Congress

Conniving with management

18 Sep 1997

The criticism of comrades

18 Sep 1997

Party notes

Socialist News controversy

11 Sep 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

What the papers say

11 Sep 1997

CGSD makes its mark

11 Sep 1997

Scotland’s referendum

Carving out an audience

11 Sep 1997

Party notes

Manchester Socialist Alliance relaunch

04 Sep 1997

Self-determination for Scotland now!

04 Sep 1997

Only the Campaign for Genuine Self-Determination has voiced the national aspirations of the Scottish people

Autumn of decision

04 Sep 1997

Simon Harvey of the SLP

SML ambiguities

04 Sep 1997

Party notes

Socialist democracy and democratic centralism

28 Aug 1997

We reprint a document of an organised tendency within the Socialist Party involving John Bulaitis, Phil Hearse, Sarah Parker, David Lyons, Paul Morehouse and James White.

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